UFT Season-3 2018

Ultimate Fighting Tournament Season-3 2018

PC, Playstation 4
Por Flamingojawbreak
Online, Online
Note: This tournament is strictly for Indians:
Registrations outside country will be neglected automatically.
1. Controllers: Arcade Sticks, Keyboard, Hitbox and Default controllers (anything except tool assist)
2. Matches: Race to 2 / Best of 3 / FT-2 or First to 2
3. Fight Round: 3
4. Fight Time: 60
5. Customization: Off
6. 1vs1
7. Single Elimination
8. In case of disconnection the round will be played again.
9. During disconnection both players health will be considered and if Admin will decide that the match will be played in same stage with same health.
10. Players are required to connect with their opponents on PSN or Steam.
11.Disputes are to be reported using Discord.
12. Matches to be completed within the mentioned Round Time(15min).
13. Inability to report scores within the time frame will lead to DQ of both players.
14. In case of any dispute... With your camera or phone, take a video or picture of the online friendlies stats screen, send the evidence to the admin dealing with your issue in private message. Video evidence is preferred over picture although both are taken.
15. For all cheating claims, the burden of proof is on the accuser.
16. We aim to credit prize money to your wallet within 7 days of the completion of the competition.
17. Admin decision is final and acceptable by all in case of any dispute.
18. Registering to the tournament means you agree to all the rules and terms.