[-GSF-] Gado Special Forces
[STR1] The Shelter
[-GSF-] Gado Special Forces
[STR1] The Shelter

Players in the match

[-GSF-] Gado Special Forces

[-KOPI] Dominus_Potatus
No information on this player
[-KOPI] ELWhiteFang
No information on this player
[MALD] Hudadzikry
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[INRC] IrunaYui
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[-FS-] ReXIgnoTus
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[-KOPI] UCantSeeMe_Jr
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[VKNGS] xDreadHeartz
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[-KOPI] YaSna_1126
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[S-D] Techy
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[-KOPI] Hiroko__
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[HOOD] ItsStockOfficer
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[MALD] Napoleon_Born2Party
No information on this player
[BLIST] Alicorn2
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[STR1] The Shelter

[STR1] Nightcamp
No information on this player
[STR1] zsq1234523
No information on this player
[STR1] Dreadnaught_nova
No information on this player
[STR1] qianji_pr
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[CRY] ____Yukikaze_____
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[STR1] evaMark6
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[STR1] TapuFini
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No information on this player
[BANSS] Murasame_Sama_Mywife
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[-LV6-] Shirai_Kuroko_OwO
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No information on this player
No information on this player
[BHS] __________X_X__________
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[CATS] woshinigege_
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[FFD] Make_Zao_Great_Again
No information on this player