Intergalactic Dropzone Cup



8 Teams
Intergalactic Drop Zone Cup [PC] is my 5th organized tournament in Star Wars Battlefront. It includes strict rules and an exciting tournament system. The goal of the tournament is not to give the most expensive prizes, but to aim for good fun, meeting new people, and having a chance to face the best players in the world.

Tournament Start (Group Phase): 25th February, 2017 at 19:00 BERLIN TIMZONE
Tournament Start (K.O. Phase): 26th February, 2017 at 19:00 BERLIN TIMEZONE

The tournament consists of a Group Stage and a Knockout (K.O.) Single Elimination Stage.
Two teams per group in the Group Stage move onto the K.O. Stage.

All participating teams are obligated to show up at this time.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)

Logo made by Azeroticus ;)

Organizer & contact

Final standing
No final standing.


Prize is basically fun and high level competetive game ;)

PS. We all know how *prizes* went last time :P
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