Prize Pool: MVR 2000
Following the conclusion of a tournament, prizes will be sent within 24 HRS approximately unless withheld for reasons concerning potential hacking, or other rule-breaking. If for any reason you do not receive your prizes following 24 HRS, then please let us know and we will do our best to send them as soon as possible.
Prizes will be sent via BML Transfer.
If it was discovered that a team hacked or cheated during a tournament, they will have to abandon their championship title and refund the prizes they received in equivalent value.
The prize recipient is in all cases the captain of the team (the person who is displayed as the leader in the team and Discord server), unless discussed otherwise beforehand.
Prize recipients are fully responsible for expenses such as corporation tax, personal tax, legal responsibilities, and currency conversion.
Prize recipients are fully responsible for providing the correct full names, addresses, and BML details.
It is the Team Captain’s responsibility for deciding how prizes will be divided among his team.
Prize recipients are required to provide their ID or a similar document that allows us to confirm their identity to be eligible for monetary prizes.
Prize recipients will need to sign a legally binding contract that their team has won the tournament without any cheating involved whatsoever.