UNITY Cup 2022 by kaidus



29 Teams
European Union
UNITY Cup will be used to test an alternative ruleset with the long-term ambition of unifying the rule-sets between the largest regions in competitive TF2. With the NA scene having begun the process at Fullerton, this cup looks to fine-tune and expand upon that initiative by bringing it to the EU player base. The tournament will take place on 16th + 17th April. Basic rules:

-Win Limit 5
-Time Limit 30
-Round Timer 5
-“Continuous” Overtime

Group stages will consist of two round-robin invite groups (4 per group), and an open swiss group. 8 teams from the open swiss will progress along with the invited teams to a 16 team single elimination playoff.

16th April - Saturday
Open Swiss - 13:00 CEST - 20:30 CEST
(6 rounds + break)
Invite group A - 14:00-17:00 CEST
Invite group B - 17:30-20:30 CEST
Playoff RO16 - 20:45 CEST

17th April - Sunday
Quarter Finals - 13:00 CEST
Semi Finals - 16:00 CEST
Grand Final - 20:00 CEST

Map Pool:

For full schedule & rules see:

Sign-ups close 14/4/2022 at 11:59CEST

-Check-in will open on 14/4/2022 at 12:00 CEST
-All teams must check in by 12:00 CEST on 16/4/2022 to confirm their participation and be included in the tournament.

Final standing
No final standing.


1st - €700
2nd - €300
3rd/4th - Serveme.tf premium €125 voucher
3rd/4th - Serveme.tf premium €125 voucher

“Continuous” Overtime explained:
In the event that neither team has reached 5 rounds at the end of 30 minutes, the
game will enter over-time without the round resetting or the game ending. The new win condition will be the existing highest score + 1. Eg. Score is 3-2, the win limit becomes 4 and the first team to reach 4 rounds is the winner. There is no time-limit for over-time.
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