
16 Players
This fourth Ambro Cup will be held on the 7th of September.

Check-in on Toornament on the 7th, at 18h00 (6PM UTC+2 - Paris).
Tournament starts at 19h00 (7PM UTC+2 - Paris).

To take part in the Training Sessions, and in case you have a question, join the BTV Official Discord server :

It is the fifth online tournament held on Beyond the Void and organized conjointly by Scorpia and B2Expand.

Beyond the Void is a Free To Play game available in early access on steam:

It's a MOBA / RTS in 1 versus 1.
Final standing
No final standing.


All registered players have access to the Training Sessions that will be organized with the Game Designer from B2Expand on the official Discord:, to teach you the ropes of the game.
Those sessions will happen on:
- Friday 31st August, from 13h00 to 14h00 (1-2PM UTC+2 - Paris)
- Wednesday 5th September, from 13h00 to 14h00 (1-2PM UTC+2 - Paris)
- Friday 7th September, from 13h00 to 14h00 (1-2PM UTC+2 - Paris)

B2Expand offers to the winners:
1st - 1 Beyond the Void Mouse Pad + 1 steam gift card (10 Euros) for the first player
2nd - Beyond the Void Wallpaper + 1 steam gift card (5 euros)
3rd - Beyond the Void Wallpaper
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