
64 Players
Y-Parc, Yverdon-Les-Bains
Welcome to our first Major tournament ever !

Many thanks go to Numerik Games they agreed to host us.
We are also very grateful for the support of Bity and Pro Helvetia, our officials sponsors.
And welcome to Commentary Swiss Gaming for our first live production!

Our first SMGL edition run on the game RETIMED ! Register on and recieve your key for the closed beta.

The final of the Major will take place on stage at 15:30. Join us and cheer on the best Swiss players on Swiss games.

Join us at anytime during the festival in the Arcade Zone to discover our line-up of Swiss games :)

If you want to participate to join the SMGL, you can subscribe on our website : Only 75 places left for this first season!

Majors are the big milestones of our league. It's the only place where you can win a direct qualification to our Grand Finals and maybe win your share of the prize ! (provided by Bity)

Check out our rules on to know everything.

/!\ Being a registered participant does not grant free access to the festival, you need to purchase your ticket on the Numerik Games website. (Spoiler alert, we may provide an offer for our participants very soon)

3 steps to subscribe:
- being a registered players on
- subscribe to THIS major on this toornament.
- buy your festival ticket

All the information about the Major, schedule, format, etc. are posted below.

Join us and have fun !

Organizer & contact

Final standing
No final standing.


The top 4 qualifiy directly for the grands finals !

Top 16 prize for the grand finals :

Cashprize (in bitcoins)
Cashprize 1rst
Cashprize 2nd
Cashprize 3rd
Cashprize 4th
Cashprize 5th
Cashprize 6th
Cashprize 7th
Cashprize 8th
Cashprize 9th to 16th

Current value of BTC (06.08 - 7'000 CHF)

Final partition IF these conditions are reunited :
- Bitcoin market value of exchange is between 3'000 and 25'000 CHF for one Bitcoin.
- Bitcoin transaction cost is under 40 CHF per transaction 4 days before the grand final at 14:00 (CET)

If the conditions are not met , the SGML Commission and the sponsor BITY SA will decide together and unilaterally about the new partition.
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