
128 Teams
"Beat the Pro" is a two-day tournament organized by The competition pits teams against the top performers in the competitive scene. To ensure fair play, the underdog team has the unique opportunity to select artificial boosters, enhancing their chances of winning the series.

Teams participating in the tournament are categorized into four brackets based on the individual statistics and Clan Battles (CB) performance of their members. On day 1, teams engage within their bracket to qualify for the show matches scheduled for day 2. The teams that successfully advance from the highest bracket on day 1 qualify as "Pro teams."
EndgĂĽltige Rangfolge
Keine endgĂĽltige Wertung.


Prizes are awarded per player, regardless of roster size.
For a team to be eligible for prizes, they must complete all matches in which they are scheduled. Failure to play all scheduled matches or other misconduct may result in a reduction or full withholding of prizes.
Tournament prizes for the Qualifier Stage are given to each registered team member for each map a team wins. The prize per map win is one “Rare Economic Booster Container” (blue) per team member.
Tournament prizes for the Show Matches vary based on booster picks and game results. The prize pool per Show Match Series is 50.000 doubloons. For more details, please refer to 4.3. Booster.
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