
32 Teams
Vereinigte Staaten
Los Angeles, CA
A weekly single day tournament aimed at building and supporting the competitive scene of Apex Legends. The tournament will occur every week on Mondays at 6:00pm PDT / 9:00pm EDT.

Check-in starts at 5 pm PDT.
Registration and Check-in closes at 6 pm PDT.
Tournament starts at 6 pm PDT.
EndgĂĽltige Rangfolge
Keine endgĂĽltige Wertung.


Prize pool:
$45 base + crowdfunding
Winner take all

Kills - 1 point
Map win - 10 points
Placement 2nd or 3rd - 5 points
Placement 4th or 5th - 3 points

If there is a tie after all three rounds in a matchup, the tiebreakers are as follows
1 - Number of wins
2 - Number of kills
3 - Total damage

No prizing at this time.
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