ITU LAN Valorant 5v5

Online, IT University of Copenhagen
1. 5 people per team (max. 1 substitute per team)
2. All players should be physically present at ITU while their games are played.
3. All players must have bought a ticket to ITU LAN
4. Any dispute in between or within teams should try to get resolved on their own, if that is not possible the tournament host should be contacted.
5. Valorant must be played with the option "tournament" turned on.
6. One timeout (length: one minute) per team per half
7. If there is time left, do not vote for a draw.
8. If all 5 member of a team do not enter the game lobby no later than 10 minutes after start time, the game will count as a loss for them.
8. The game will be played on any of the Valorant maps expect for Fracture.
9. Any use of 3rd party software which influences the game in any way is forbidden and will disqualify you from the tournament. If you have the suspicion that someone on the opposing team is using forbidden 3rd party software, you must play out the game and contact the tournament host after the game has concluded.
10. The use of /all chat to be toxic to the opposing team is forbidden. Each message that fits this criteria will earn your team a strike.
11. Every team can collect two strikes, a third strike and you're out.