Shatterline Open #1 (NA)

Von 3oF
Region: North America

Game modes: Escort & Conquest

Server Location: All games should be played on Ohio servers

General rules:
1. No Modifications (Modifications are obtained through crafting, scopes & etc. aren't modifications)
2. Due to the current uncompetitive state of Shotguns, DMR Sniper Rifles & the A-3 Pilum they aren't allowed to be used in any competitive
2.1 Tier 1, 2 & 4 Sniper rifles are classified as DMR Sniper Rifles
2.1 Tier 3 Shotgun secondary is included in the shotgun ban
3. Only the recon characters can use snipers (Brisa + Kite)
4. One sniper per team
5. No cheating, this includes exploits that give an unfair advantage.

Team Rules:
1. 6 Players are required to be in a roster
2. Maximum of 2 substitutes are allowed
3. If a team does not join or joins late within 15 minutes of the scheduled time, the opponent will be awarded with a win