Veiled Warriours Cup 2024

Veiled Warriours Cup 2024

من قِبل BiG Mo)_(sE tournament Limited (BMTL)
Online, E-Gaming
Basic Rules
1. As it is Hidden cup so no names will be revealed for any player who is part of this tournament until reveal. Even in reveal forms no names are given. This is due to make the hidden factor as hard as possible.
2. Admins can add any rules during the tournament. But management will try to minimize to use this power.
3. Only one Re up-to 5 min in game per set.
3.1. For Flip a coin only admin do so.
4. If a player has picked a DLC civ in draft and doesn't have the DLC then the enemy will assign a random civ from the remaining draft civilizations to that player.
5. Player must arrive at scheduled time otherwise they will lose one round for each one hour they delay.
6. Players must not tell their game results or their identity to others until the final reveal otherwise they will be disqualified and their latest opponent will be given a win instead.
7. Maps and civilizations will be drafted on Aoe2CM. Draft presets will be provided on the discord.
8. Draft will be hosted by the player who wins the toss done by admin.
9. In game, if someone take pause then it is mandatory that he himself have to unpausing/resume the game so that no mishap happen during any match.
10. Game has to be saved if 20 or more minutes have been passed and started from the same time
11. If the time is less then 20 minutes then re can happen only if dropped player's army or villagers dies.
12. But if opposite team allow re can happen after 20 min but admin will see what happens during to player during drop time and decision will be made.
13. During civilization selection if random civ is selected by any player then he has to play with that civilization.
14. All participants have to set their discord status to offline for certain amount of time. Time will be disclosed after all essential work has been finalized.
15. Any one can take any type of classes for practice before matches but if someone is caught getting any type of help during match or even in civilization, map draft selection will result in straight disqualify from the tournament.
16. No one is allowed to get records file from any Illegitimate site nor APM will be shown to anyone for any player during the tournament (It is set because some players can be guessed easily by APM).I will try to remove any rec files from all sites.