Players Championship 2019

OSC Players Championship 2019

Por Online Snooker Club
Online, Worldwide (Online)
Please Register and enter your result after each match

The game is played on Facebook here >

Unless a match date/time has been agreed in advance between both opponents ALL Dates shown in this site are DEADLINE dates and matches must been completed or have started to a finish by 23:59 on the date stated in this site for that match / Players can play a match if it's up on the site.

Enter scores in Results and Fixtures in the facebook chat and in Toornament site under "Report" you can access it via "My Matches" when logged in to Toornament.

You must have a genuine Facebook account and have joined our Facebook group
If your identity is difficult to determine you will be excluded from entering.

1. No keeping opponents waiting for match to start
2. Enter the scores on Toornament or in Results and Fixtures in the facebook chat.
3. Keep in good communication with opponent.
4. If a frame is drawn on points you replay it again.
5. If you are in a snooker and can't see the object ball you must nominate a colour in the table chat.
5.1. If you don't nominate a colour in table chat and take the shot and hit any colour including the one you were going for - because you never nominated = you must give a foul to opponent. (Nudge white ball 0%). If you miss altogether and don't hit any colour the app will give a foul to opponent.

6. If you are in a situation where you and opponent have agreed that one of you needs to give points back then this is done nudging the white ball 0%.
7. If you make a foul, type "f" into table chat. (This tells the opponent you have made a foul should they not see your shot for any reason and it helps prevent the table freezing if opponent puts you back into play. Enter "f" AFTER the app has said foul. Opponent must wait till "f" has been entered befotre putting them back in (should they chose to do that).

8. If the Table freezes during any part of the frame - wait a moment, stay on table and discuss with opponent in facebook what has happened. If you can't continue then you will take the difference in frame points and number of reds left on table to a new frame. When in new frame set up choose from 15 ball, 10 ball or 6 ball based on which number is closest to the number of reds that were left on the freezed frame.

0 reds were on freezed frame = Choose colours set up
1 to 6 reds were on freezed frame = Choose 6 ball set up
7 to 10 reds were on freezed frame = Choose 10 ball set up
11 to 15 reds were on freezed frame = Choose 15 ball set up
When you have chosen the correct set up for restarted frame the losing player is to give opponent the difference in points to the nearest multiple of 4 down by fouling (nudging white 0%) until you reach your agreed amount. For example if the difference is 39 points give opponent 36 points (down from 39, don't give more than you owe) if its 22 give 20 back to opponent etc..

9. If you need a toilet break or need to leave table for a moment for any reason please inform opponent.