Nexus Gaming Series

Nexus Gaming Series

Organizator: Nexus Gaming Series
Full rules and regulations can be found at:
(Please read if you are playing in the league)

Hero Bans: New Heroes are banned for 2 weeks from release (other current hero/talent bans will be discussed in Discord).

Map Rotation: Battlefield of Eternity, Braxxis Holdout, Cursed Hollow, Dragon Shire, Infernal Shrines, Sky Temple, Tomb of the Spider Queen, Towers of Doom, Warhead Junction.

**Skin/Mount Bans:
Maraudin; Muradin
Cyberhawk Kael'thas
Archangel Diablo
Striker Li Ming
Druid of the Flame Malfurion

Countess Kerrigan (bat)
Crimson Count Arthas Mount (gargoyle)


Seasons will last 8-9 weeks including playoffs. The first 6 weeks will consist of round-robin play where points are accumulated based on wins. During this time each team will be required to play 2 matches per week. Each match against an opposing team will consist of 2 maps, each map win is worth 1 point but winning both maps (we will be calling this a "domination") awards a team 3 points.

After the 6 weeks of season play, the top 8 teams in each division will be slotted into a best-of-3, single-elimination bracket with the finals being best-of-5. Each division has their own playoffs.


This will be done between team captains. You are permitted to play matches on ANY DAY and AND TIME of the week as long as you get your 2 matches done that week.

INABILITY TO SCHEDULE - if both teams cannot schedule the match that week they will both receive zero (0) points unless it is deemed that only one team was responsible for the scheduling issues (this is looked at case by case).  In the case that one team is deemed responsible, they will be given zero (0) points and the opposing team will be awarded three (3) points for that match. 

FORFEITS - If a team forfeits they receive zero (0) points and the opposing team gets three (3) points. (Recorded as a normal win).

Once match times are agreed upon, team captains must report them in the #scheduled_matches channel in discord.


Flip of a coin will determine who bans a map first (winner bans first); each team gets 1 map ban before the match.

1st map choice will also be the winner of the coin flip. The loser of the flip will get 1st ban/hero pick. (These roles will be reversed for the 2nd map). The loser of the coin flip will pick their map at this point as well BEFORE the first map is played.

Available maps will follow HGC format. New heroes will be banned for the first 2 weeks after release.

There will be a 15 minute grace period to attend matches. If your team is more than 15 minutes late without 24 hour notice to a league rep your team will forfeit. If this becomes a pattern, you can/will be disqualified from the league for that month.


Flipping a coin will determine who bans a map first; each team gets 1 map ban before the match.

1st map choice will also be the winner of the coin flip. The loser of the flip will get 1st ban/hero pick.

The loser of the first map will have their choice to either pick the next map or get 1st hero ban/pick (and so on in playoff bracket).


Be respectful. Every game has toxic players and what you do outside of Nexus Gaming is your own business. However, we do ask that you are respectful to all players within the Nexus Gaming Series community, whether it is in Discord or in game.

Intentionally prolonging a game can result in a forfeit of that match (the best example would be not capturing a tower on Towers of Doom to win). If a team thinks they have been a victim of this, they must report it to the admin staff to review the game and they will determine the final outcome.

The league is open to anyone and everyone who would like to compete; there are no rank restrictions (however, keep in mind this league is meant for amateurs).

1 player, 1 account, 1 team. Players cannot be on multiple teams or use alternate/smurf accounts to fill rosters.

Some matches will be streamed. The matches that will be streamed and casted will be decided primarily by caster availability and then by a lotto system for overlapping matches. How much interest we get in casting will decide how many games get cast.

Non-streamed/casted games require a "ref"/observer OR a screen shot from both team captains of the end result of the match.

DISCONNECTS (DC) - If a player disconnects, they will have 15 minutes to re-connect. After that period of time the team can either choose to play with a bot or forfeit that map. If the DC occurs during the first map, the team may find a sub for the second map (if they have a sub on their roster or room for a roster-change). If the DC occurs during the 2nd map, the results from the 1st map will stand.

SUBS - Each team is allowed 2 roster changes/additions each season. Substitutions count towards these changes. If a team is wanting to play with a non-roster sub for a match, the opposing team has the option of allowing it or forcing your team to forfeit if you do not have enough members online.

RE-SCHEDULING - Prior to the start of a League Match we ask a minimum of 24 hour notice if your team will not be able to make it or will be late. If notice is given with less than 24 hours the opposing team can choose to either play the match at another time or give you a forfeit.

STREAM-SNIPING - Although NGS streams are set to have a delay, any form of stream-sniping will not be tolerated.