Lunaris Blind 1v1 [NA/SEA/EU]

Urządzenie mobilne
Organizator: Lunaris
Online, SEMC
• In order to win, the first 3 enemy turrets must be taken down.
• If enemy does not show up within 5 minutes, they are disqualified.
• If the game goes over 15 minutes, the person with the most kills + turrets taken ( Total ) wins.
• No Third Party Software allowed, being caught using a third party software will result in your disqualification.
• No Hero Bans
• No Item Bans
• Any personal connection issues are that player's fault.
• If you die during a game it's your own fault.
• No Kraken [ Limit is 15 minutes ]
• When the match is at 15 minutes, take a screenshot, and then surrender.
• If no screenshot is taken, both teams are disqualified.
• Toxicity may result in you being refused access to future tournaments.
• There is a point system with Toxicity. 1 point is added for everytime you are toxic. If you get to 3 points, you are no longer allowed to join future tournaments.
• Players host their own matches
• If a game has not been reported by the time the next round starts, both players will be disqualified.
• False Reporting on will result in a point added to toxicity.
• Smurfs are not allowed to join the tournament.
• No Loser Brackets
• Games must be Best of 1
• ONLY Finals will be Best of 3
• Voice Communication between the two players are not allowed
• No Spectators are allowed unless it's a moderator.
• If any rules are broken, Moderators are able to judge on how to punish the player(s).
• The Maximum amount of people per region is 128 [ First come, First Serve ]
• It is your responsibility to add the enemy players.
• A discord tag such as (mujykun#2478) is required when registration.
• A proper email is required upon registration, otherwise you will not be accepted [ The emails are private ]
• The games MUST always be a 1v1 and not ADD any players.
• Switching your IGN must be notified to the moderators if you are in the tournament.
• You must register your proper IGN [ Case - Sensitive ]. If you do not, your ice will be delayed by almost a month, and you will need to inform the moderators about your proper ign.
• Top 3 Players have the ice distributed to them.
• First Place gets 60%, Second Place gets 25%, and Third Place get 15% of the total Ice prize.
• All Matches must be reported by the players.
• If a game goes over 15 minutes, and it is still a tie when you add up the turrets and kills, the next turret is the winner of the game.
• By registering to the tournament, you are agreeing to these rules.