FPSChallenge CoD4 Challenge#19

FPSChallenge CoD4 Summer Challenge #19

Organizator: FPSChallenge

Every player needs to record demo of every map. Demos can be requested in-game. Demos must be provided as soon as possible - max 10 mins since the request. If requested demos are not provided, its match forfeit. If there are more than 3 rounds missing in a players demo, its a forfeit of the map where the rounds are missing.

- mp_backlot_fix
- mp_citystreets
- mp_crash
- mp_strike
- mp_crossfire

Bugs & Glitches
- it is NOT permitted for any user to take advantage of map bugs (for example elevators, outside the boundaries of the map, under the map and so forth) or glitches during a match. This can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by an admin.
- glitching is defined as moving or seeing through or over a physical object and is NOT permitted for example crash roof stairs bug.
- Picking up the bomb through any object anywhere on the map is allowed, including walls.
- selfspec is not allowed => (looking downwards next to an object, allowing you to see and not be seen (e.g.: A wooden on crash looking head down in the window allowing you to see people on the A site without them being able to see you).
- boosting is only allowed to boost players to spots where a player can get to by himself.
- standing on another player's head to peek is also allowed, the above rule also applies.
- boosting by shooting own players is not allowed.
- players are only allowed to bounce to places which can be reached without the use of a bounce. Bouncing to roofs and balconies which are unreachable in a normal way is prohibited unless they are provided in the "allowed spots" list.

Players who are caught using bugs or glitches immediately forfeit the round. If this occurs on more than 2 occasions then the map will be forfeited.

List of allowed spots that violates last rule:

Bounce on the edge of the balcony - 0:12

Bounce on the roof above A site and side balconies - 0:34
Bounce on the entrance B wall - 0:43

Cheating, Illegal Scripts & Binds
- Scripts & config tweaking that affects game play including but not limited to nade scripts, wait commands (except weapnext; wait {int}; weapnext), macros and so forth, including configs that change commands/rates are disallowed. These commands range from set nade binds to gain the longest throw to scripting a superior firing rate of semi-automatic weapons.
- This also includes multi-command binds such as bind KEY "toggleads; +attack" on the scroll wheel.
- Using the scrollwheel to shoot is also illegal. This includes both binding +attack to your scrollwheel as well as scrolling very fast and then holding mouse1, which can be done with certain mice. (For example to spam your deagle quickly)
- Players caught using illegal scripts and binds will receive a forfeit loss and be banned.
- This also includes binds to turn on certain things by using a bug exploit. Depending on the bind, the player can receive a ban for bug abuse.
- Any game modification understand as changing .iwd files of game (e.g. weapon or model skins)
Bomb plant
You cant defuse or plant the bomb on the TOP of the bombsite while proning. You can still plant or defuse while standing/crouching.

Reason: You are almost unkillable by nades and there is no easy way how to fix it.

Every round this occurs, round is lost, more than 3 times = map forfeit.

Server crashes
If a server crashes during the round, you have to replay from the beginning of that round.
Map veto and sides:

Group format: BO1 mr12 no OT
Playoff format: WB - VETO BO3, LB - VETO BO1 mr15
Grand Final: VETO BO5 or BO3 (depends on teams preference and time, BO5 is preferred)

Upper bracket winner has 1 map advantage. Grand final system is BO5, pick pick pick pick, the Lower bracket winning team starts the picking.

In case if BO1:
- loser of the knives ban first, winner bans, loser bans, winner bans, remaining map is to be played.
- Knife for side - winner picks side

In case of BO3:
- loser of the knives ban first, winner bans, loser picks, winner picks, remaining map is decider.
- Team 1 chooses side on Team 2's map, Team 2 chooses side on Team 1's map, decider = knife for side.

2 teams with equal points -> 1. Mutual match, 3. Round diff, 4. Rounds won
3 and more teams with equal points -> 1. Round diff, 2. Rounds won