Urządzenie mobilne
Organizator: SHIJO PSYCO
1. Open to all Malaysian citizens. 5 players per team, 1 player substitute (optional), 1 Team leader / Manager (could be team player itself).
2. Open to all players age 18 years old and above.
3. Open to all players from epic rank and above.
4. Each and every player in a team need to register their full name, IGN name as per register (no change of name is allowed after registration), squad/team leader game ID and squad/team name.
5. All team need to pay registration fees before the closing date 6th August 2021 only via online banking.
6. The team register need to provide payment evidence for the registration fees. If there is any cancellation after 6th August 2021 organizer “will not refund” for the registration fees.
7. Every registered player must obey all the rules and regulations set up for this Shijo League.
8. No toxic chats are allowed during, before, and after every game. Warning will be given to the team that abuse this condition and will be disqualified after receiving 3rd warning.
9. All team must be punctual according to the match schedule given. The team will be disqualified if one or more members are unable to join the match on time.
10. Team that have players caught using cheats or scripts during match will be automatically disqualified.
11. All games will be monitored as referee by the organiser.
12. Any technical issues such as internet connections, games earphones and microphones, and etc. need to be prepared and solved by own team. Any technical problems need to be informed to referee to pauses the game, and need to be resolved within 3 minutes time, if the issues cannot be resolved within time, game will continue even with a less player in a team or the team could choose to surrender.
13. Top 8 teams who are qualified to playoff will receive a squad photo and Top 3 will receive certificates and squad photo from the organiser.
14. Certificates will be posted physically to the players and as for the winners’ prizes will be transferred via online banking.
15. Organiser has all the rights to change or alter the terms and conditions for the league.
16. Any information of the league will be informed and updated using Whatsapp by authorised organiser personnel only.