Gladiabots World Cup 2018

PC, Urządzenie mobilne
Organizator: Mumpsimus
Please only register if you intend to play. A tournament is less fun if half the players don't show up or don't stick with it until the end.

The tournament will be played with the latest *OFFICIALLY RELEASED* version of Gladiabots. Please don't deploy tournament matches with a release candidate.

All games will be best of 3, to try to eliminate unlucky map choices. This also means you can adjust your AI between games to adapt to your opponent. If you do not deploy in time, your last deployed AI will be used, which may not be one that you intended to play in the tournament, so please keep an eye on your games. Deploying a game takes all of 5 seconds, and doing so in a timely manner will keep things moving along.

I will only accept registrations from folks who have read and understood these rules, and have notified me ( @mumpsimus ) of that fact, by direct message on discord. Click the discord link in the game under extras and go to the #tournaments channel, or use the discord invite on the tournament, or this link:

to go there directly.

Alternatively, email me at thisfred+wc2018 at gmail dot com.

If you do neither of these things, your registration will not be considered (though I might try to follow up with you, but please don't make me chase everyone ;)