Afternoon boys,
The "Hunger games” starts at 00.00am on the 23rd of February to end 12th March at 11.59pm..
Team: Countries only
Games: Two matches
Duration: Two weeks
All results should be hash-tagged on the group for banter purposes and on the app too for more banter purposes/record keeping
Any issues with the app, contact Dumski
Kindly indicate participation by registering on the app as advised by dba
Hashtag :#HG#HG
Key questions?????
Would @Amdy stop being a hoe or keep consoling himself with TMT?
Is this the time for @Klenz05 to prove his haters that last league was a mistake
Is @Dipo gona play or 🏃🏿🏃🏿
Would the LJC come back or continue hiding in wakanda?
Is the choke aka igbo panther be TD again?
Is lord skin @Shawn a preseason champion?
We cant wait for who would be the chopper and the chopee!!!!
We are hungry🍞🍗🍟☕🍻
RSVP @Dumebi👨🏿💻 @Dipo 🏃🏿🏃🏿🏃🏿