FIFA 18 XB1: EURO (1V1) - €100

FIFA 18 XB1 (1v1) Single Elimination €100 / EURO

Xbox One
Organizator: Digital Football League
Online, EUROPE
10-minute halves + Golden Goal.

Club teams only. No national or "My Teams"

If two teams choose the same nation/club, then highest rank team chooses strip.

Challenger or lowest rank team to set up the match.

Personal streaming is not allowed

Winning team must post results and take screenshot/video cap for evidence. Results must be added up to 10 minutes after the game is completed. The losing team has 5 minutes to lodge a dispute - but may only do so if they have sufficient evidence to back up the dispute - eg. Video cap.

No Show: teams have up until 20 minutes after the scheduled start time to compete. After that, they will forfeit the match.

Troubleshooting: Red Cards and scores. If by some misfortune that a match is interrupted by technical issues and needs to be restarted, previous red cards and scores MUST be reinstated. So basically let the other team score their goals and go and clock someone if you had a red card.

*Please make sure you join the Digital Football League - XB1 - Discord channel - this in the main is to allow for easier communications all round (swapping of PSN ID's etc), but also so we can avoid confusion among players and help if any questions arise in advance of a comp or tourney starting. Plus it will allow us to say hello and intro ourselves as well. :)

* Prior to the start of the actual tournament (ideally 10 minutes beforehand) please also check-in at the Digital Football League - XB1 - Tournament Discord Channel. This in the main is to make sure all players are available and any questions etc can be answered.