4v4 Cargo Tournament

Organizator: ALV1197
**Basic Knowledge:
-Teams that are higher seeds have the option to choose between the game modes Cargo and Dropzone for the duration of Map 1 and Map 3. The game mode that wasn't picked will be played for Map 2.
-In order to see who is the higher seed, look at the placement matches and the team that is set above another team is the higher seed.
-The lower seed team may host the 1st and 3rd map while the higher seed team may host the 2nd map.
-Teams are required to play a minimum 4v4 Match (teams can do more on a gentleman's agreement).
-There CANNOT be any "ringers" that can sub in for any player onto ANY team, whatsoever, at any time.
-Any Glitching or Breaking of any rule knowingly will result in a Map Forfeit.
-If a team schedules a match with each other and if one team does not arrive within 15 minutes, within the scheduled time; then the team that does not show up will be disqualified from the tournament.
-Teams will play a Best of 3 series throughout the Group Stages.
-Teams will play a Best of 5 series throughout the Playoffs.
-The Higher Slotted team will choose Map 1 and Map 3, giving the Lower Slotted team the faction picks for Map 1 and Map 3. The same goes for Map 2 but teams switch roles.
-If a Map ties, you play the same Map with the same Factions
-If any team jump packs with the cargo on their back then they are considered to be glitching and may result in a rematch of the same map with the same faction.
**Banned Guns and Star Cards:
-ALL DLC Star Cards are Banned with the exception of:
-Medical Droid, Scout Binoculars, Laser Trip Mine, Sonic Imploder, and Dioxis Grenade
-EE4 and TL-50 are Banned.
-Power Weapons (which include the Pulse Cannon and Bowcaster) are Banned for this Tournament.
-Triangle Cards (or charge cards) are Banned.
-All Traits are Banned for this tournament.
-Only 1 Thermal Detonator per team.
-Only 1 Flash Grenade per team.
-Only 1 Dioxis Grenade per team.
-Medical Droid is now banned for the Playoffs.