Mdh Flunkyball-Night

Mdh Flunkyball-Night

Pas un jeu vidéo
Par GD Event-Komitee
Tierpark Berlin
Rules can be found here too in german and english:

Mixed beer (radler) is not a beer, however it is permitted for play. For simplicity, the text will not distinguish between these two.

Game Setup:
In the center of the court is a plastic bottle to 1/3 full, from which 7 steps away is the baseline of each opposing team.
The beers and players have to stand behind this baseline .

So far, we have decided on 0.3l as the beer volume.
In addition, a throwing device is necessary. In the best case a ball at least the size of a handball.

The teams consist of 4-6 Players and one player is team captain. These are the 1st contact persons for the referees and negotiators if needed.

Game Management:
The main referee controls the observance of the rules. He may recruit an aid side referee for each team from impartial persons.
The head referee will make all decisions at his discretion and in consideration of the ruleset.

Match Procedure:
Before the match starts, an honorable "rock, paper, scissors" decides who gets to throw the first pitch.

Beer position, lineup and throwing order:
Each team may place themselves freely behind the baseline. The game beers may be placed no more than 30 centimeters from the baseline. The baseline must not be crossed.
Anyone may throw from any position in the team area, but the beers must not be moved.

The starting lineup on the 1st throw of a team determines the throwing order. The first thrower is the left person, the last is the right.

Throwing and drinking phase:
Throwing is done with the "hand over shoulder technique". As soon as the ball leaves the hand, a maximum of 2 runners from the opposing team are allowed to cross the line to pick up the ball and set up the throwing target if necessary.
If a player starts running too early, he has to step one foot back in his own team area before he is allowed to pick up the ball or set up the bottle.

The throwing projectile must have reached beer height at the latest in the opposing team area or must have reached the ground once before. If the projectile is thrown at the body of the opponents, penalties up to disqualification will occur. The attempt to knock over the opponent's beers is generally allowed.

As long as the plastic bottle is not knocked over, no hand may touch the beer. If the PB is knocked over, drinking is allowed as long as the PB is not upright again and the runners with the throwing projectile are not behind the baseline of the opposing team.

Each player may drink only his own beer and must place it in front of him on each throw, exceptions are noted under "Penalty beers".

End of drinking time:
Once the referee has given the stop signal, the beer must be put down immediately. The mouth may be on the beer for no more than 3 seconds during the setting down motion.

Winning conditions:
The winning team is the one that has finished all their game beers (and penalty beers, if any) or if the opponent has been disqualified.

Empty beers:
Applies to all phases of the game: 3 seconds rule; A beer is empty when less than 3 drops of beer/foam run out of the can/bottle for 3 seconds after turning it over. The player decides when he wants the beer to be considered empty. The beer may only be turned over at the referee's signal!

Too long matches:
If the match stagnates and lasts very long (>15min) the referee can call an ex-beer battle for the decision after 5 throws per team. Both teams can agree on an ex-beer battle beforehand.
In the EBB, the side that finishes all remaining beers the fastest wins. A beer is considered empty here as long as less than one sip of beer runs out of the bottle/can.

Penalty beers and foaming:
Penalty beers may only be passed around the team during the group phase. Filling the contents of a bottle/can into another bottle/can is prohibited.
A beer is considered foamed over when the smallest amount of foam runs down the neck.

- In discretionary decisions, the referee may issue a maximum of 2 warnings for close calls.

- The beer is foaming over (1 drinking round).
- Early touching of the beer (1 DR)
- Crossing the baseline (1 DR)
- Throws at the shin height of the opponents (1 DR whole team)
- After already 2 warnings of the referee (1-3 TR team, depending on the frequency)
- Intentional kicking over the beer (1TR) (disqualification of the player)
- Throwing sequence not respected (1 TR)
- Thrown too early (1 TR)
- Drunk slightly too long (1 TR)
- Beer too far from the baseline (1 TR)

Penalty beer:
- Beer tipping over regardless of beer loss (always).
- Throwing up
- Direct throws at the opponent above shin height (whole team)
- More than 3 drops of beer when tipping over the head
- Repeated discussion with the referee
-> With 3 or more players whole team
- Serious insults directed to the opponents or the referee
- Drinking clearly too long
- Beer illegally passed or exchanged
- Beer turned over without the referee's attention

Whether the team or the player flies is at the discretion of the referee.
Should a player be disqualified, the team must drink the remaining beers of the other player without his cooperation.

- Throws at face level of opponents and hard throws to the upper body
- Refusal to follow the instructions of the referee
- Repeated serious insults to opponents or referee
- Declared incapable of playing by the tournament management as a beer victim
- Game sabotage

Tournament Procedure:

Discord DM: Carl#3087, (DevilDragon#4053, Smoerph#5371)
E-Mail: [email protected],
([email protected], [email protected])