Off The Air 3.0

Playstation 4
Par FNRaw_Flash
Total Rounds: 11
Friendly Fire: Full
Max Revives: 0
Use Roles: On
Allow Aim Assist: On


Teams are required to be located within North American boundaries, excluding Mexico (USA/Canada). Any teams caught with players outside of this region will automatically forfeit their matches.

Higher seeded team will host the first game;
Lower seeded team will host the second game.

If a third match is to be played, the team that won the first game will host the third game.

Map Selection
Maps are automatically picked for each series.

Round Starts
The team that is NOT hosting the game will be on Defense (Bravo) first, leaving the hosting team on Attack (Alpha).

Be On Time
Both teams have a grace period of 15 minutes after the match start time to show up before the late team will forfeit the game.

If someone is disconnected the lobby is restarted with the same round count.

Ex//: Team A has won 3 rounds and Team B has won 2 rounds.
When the lobby is restarted, we assume that Team A still has 3 rounds wins and Team B still has 2 round wins.

If the match is played out, then the match counts.

In a best of 7 rounds, Team A will win if they win one more round.

To start a match, the host must have at least Yellow ping.

If the match quality is unacceptable due to lag ONLY in the first round, the team that isn't hosting having issue can leave the match and ask for re-host. The new host should be a team member from the original hosting team.

Under extreme scenarios if a hosting team does not want to rehost with a new host, a dispute can be filed with screenshot proof. However this should be LAST RESORT.

Match Results
Both team should provide screenshots of match results when submitting their scores. If scores do not match up, the match will end up in a dispute.

A team must have at least 5 members on their roster. If a team is down 1 player at match start they have the option to start a man down. Games are not to be played at match time with under 4 men per team, that would be considered a forfeit.

Names used on Toornament rosters must absolutely match to the players PSN names. If names are not the same, teams risk forfeit their entire match.

Substitutions are only permitted before the match starts and in between map swaps.

Maps Playlist
Checkout (EX)
Springstreet (EX)
Crossfire (C4)
Hydra (EX)
Reaction (EX)