PD Duo Match RP Giveaway

PD Duo Match Royal Pass Giveaway (C1S2 M3)

Par PD Gaming Officials
Online, Pakistan
1: Minimum ID level is 45
2: Every player must record their game play (in case of any issue) if you fail to provide your recordings there will be consequences.
3: Team/Roaster changes are not allowed. Only In case of emergency substitute player can join in light of admin recommendation with written email request or text.
4: ID PASSWORD will be shared 10 mints before the mentioned start time.
5: If team points are equal then rank points will be decided.
6: If any team or team member uses any glitch or any bug their points of that very match will not be considered
7: server will be MIDDLE EAST in rest of the league/tournament
8: behavior rule <players cannot engage with other players in a verbal manner (Curse words, Racism, sexism).