Balls To The Walls [BttW]
EterelZ - Coup D'un Soir [CDS]
Balls To The Walls [BttW]
EterelZ - Coup D'un Soir [CDS]

Joueurs du match

Balls To The Walls [BttW]

ElDog (Eldog#7821 & ElDog#21454)
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Darkpirox (darkpirox#7055 & darkpirox#29
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Benni (Benni#5208 & Benni#21438)
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Sense#2336 Sense#1649
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Lyugar (Lyugar#7917 & Lyugar#2822)
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Kestrel (Kestrel#7683 & Kestrel#21471)
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artanis#1606 ArtanisXp#7855
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Drager#21507 | Drager_SC2#6829
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EterelZ - Coup D'un Soir [CDS]

Hamlet#3052 & Starlord#2732
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Tintec#1780 & Tenno#21481
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Konstyx#9913 & konstyx#2304
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Bob The Builder#0469 & ironcladking#2761
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Nadyeah#3430 & Nadyeah#2402
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TheRealGodo#3094 & ChrȊsby#2623
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