JBL Quantum Winter Cup

Rainbow Six Siege - JBL Quantum Winter Cup

Par Leagues.gg & Ubisoft Nordic
3 out of 5 player must be from the Nordic Region.
All players must be at the age of 18+ to participate.
Join our discord: http://discord.gg/UbisoftNordic

MOSS anti-cheat MUST be running for each match and the MOSS files uploaded
to the Admin Team upon request, untempered with.

Failure to do so may result in a disqualification.
Should MOSS files be required by an admin, a link to upload them will be provided.

Download MOSS here (and follow instructions):

Technical issues:
A player is responsible for their own hardware, software and internet connection. A match won’t be rescheduled or paused because of a player’s problem with technical issues. If a team can’t participate in a match because of fewer players than required, then the match will be counted as a forfeit with the worst possible score, and the other team will receive a win.

Internet connection:
All players are responsible for having a connection (ping) limit at 100 ms. A rehost will happen if a player is above this limit.

VPNs and other tools:
Any kind of software which could impact and influence the performance and/or the connection to a game is strictly prohibited. The use of VPNs and likewise tools may lead to instant disqualification for the team.

Team rules:
Team rosters must consist of five players where three of these are main players and from Nordic countries. The last two players of the team can be from the EU region. Besides the five players, a team can have 1 substitute players.
The total number of Non-Nordic participants is still two (lineup and subs).

A team is only allowed to substitute a player before a match has begun. As soon as a match has begun (picking operator and spawn points), each team is considered ready to play and no changes to the specific roster are allowed.
Therefore, we recommend that your team have agreed upon which players are to participate in every match beforehand.

Teams will notify the admin team, should they require to substitute a player before a match.

Hosting rights and map vote:
Team captains should contact the opponent team, to invite them to the match. The team which is listed at the top of the seed will be hosting the game.

We recommend that you arrange with your opponents to add each other on UPLAY, in order to invite them to the match lobby.
Use the Toornament lobby chat for map-voting.

No show:
The match must start no later than shown in the Toornament Match Room. If the opposing team is not ready to play no later than 10 minutes after the scheduled time, the team which is active and has been present in the Match Room may receive an auto-win.
If a team is not ready to play 10 minutes after the scheduled time, they should be reported as a no show to an admin.

The admin team will determine whether an auto-win is granted or not.

A team can forfeit a match by contacting a tournament administrator.

Match results:
Every team captain is responsible to enter correct match results after a match has ended. Therefore, it is recommended that each team take a screenshot at the end of a match, where it’s possible for the administration to see the result. (a correct screenshot should include the whole scoreboard when the game is over – anything besides this won’t be used for match results).

The team captain of the winning team is responsible for reporting the score. It is only allowed to enter a score when the match has finished.

Match format:
Game mode: TDM BOMB
Plant duration: 7
Defuse duration: 7
Fuse time: 45
Preparation: 45
Action: 180
Time of day: Day
HUD settings: Pro League
Number of bans: 4
Ban Timer: 20
Number of rounds: 12
Attack/Defense swap:6
Overtime Rounds: 3
Overtime score difference: 2
Overtime role change: Off
Objective type for rotation: 2
Objective rotation parameter: Rounds played
Attacker unique spawn: On
Pick Phase timer: 15
6th pick phase: On
6th pick phase timer: 15
Reveal phase timer: 5
Damage handicap: 100
Friendly fire damage: 100
Sprint: On
Lean: On
Death Replay: Off

Map Pool:

• Club House
• Consulate
• Coastline
• Kafe Dostoyevsky
• Oregon
• Theme Park
• Villa

5 player requirement:
All matches must be played with 5 players per team. If you are 4 or less, you will receive an auto-loss regardless of any agreements you have made with opponents.

Disconnected player:
If a player disconnects from the server during a match because of connection issues, the round will continue regardless of the missing player. The player who disconnected can join the match again after the round has been completed.

Ping limit:
The ping limit for a match is 100 ms. If a player is over this value, a re-host must be executed. If the ping is still above the limit, the team must be reported to an admin on Discord after the match is over with at least 3 screenshots taking place during 3 different rounds showing the high ping above 100 ms.

The match is ‘live’ when teams can ban operators. When the match is ‘live’, at least 3 of the 5 players on a team must remain in-game and the match must be played until the end and a match-winner has been decided.

If a player pauses a game, they must state the reason for the interruption by calling the admin on Discord. The player thereafter must explain why and how long it will approximately take. A pause can’t be longer than 10 minutes.

Spawn peek:
Spawn peeking is allowed.

Spawn killing:
Spawn killing resulting in the death of an attacker within the first 2 seconds of the action phase is not allowed. Doing so will result in round loss for the defending team.

Stream :
The finals are streamed at:

Personal streaming:
A personal stream is always allowed for the 2 qualifiers with a 240s delay.

Macros are not allowed. If discovered, it will lead to a permanent ban from the tournament and future tournaments.

Unfair advantage:
Any action that results in an unfair advantage for a team isillegal to use. Bugs and glitches are included as an unfair advantage and will be penalized with a round-loss in the round the bug/glitch was used.

List of bugs and glitches :
Below is a list of known bugs and glitches. Any situation that arises and is not specified below will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

Unallowed – If used, it will grant instant round loss to the team, further penalties if used again by the same team.
● One-way shots
● Placing a Valkyrie cam in a place where it can't be destroyed
● Glitching through walls, objects, surfaces, etc. at anymoment
● Any position that you must get to or out of by glitching through walls/objects/surfaces, or you cannot be seen or shot at normally
● Using a Mira shield to boost
● Shield boosting on to undetected window ledge
● Blocking window vaulting with a destructible shield
● Standing on a window ledge undetected
● Shooting through what should be non-destructible walls/floors/ceilings/

● Shield boosting
● Using teammate to boost
● Shield boosting onto a detected window ledge
● Standing on a window ledge and being detected
● Any position that you can get to and out of without glitching through walls/objects/surfaces, and you can be seen and shot at normally
● Hibana and Thermite charges can be placed anywhere
● Using equipment or defusing through a destructible surface
● Destroying the whole floor of a bomb spotso the enemy team can’t plant the defuser
● Long arming
● Smoke through wall

The tournament administration reserves the right to add/remove bugs in the unallowed and allowed lists.

Operators, equipment, gadgets, and attachments:
The tournament administration reserves all right to ban specific operators, equipment, gadgets or attachments at any time to avoid an advantage gets abused. All operators are allowed, except those introduced in the most recent season.

Banned Cosmetics:
All cosmetics are banned from play except for:

● Default skins
● Pro League skins
● Esports Teams cosmetics (Pilot Program 1, 2, and any future esports Team related cosmetics)

Weapon skins and charms are not subject to any restriction.

Usage of banned cosmectic may lead to a round loss for the offending team.

Evaluation Period:
The Evaluation Period is a period within which the operators of any new season (or quarantined operators) are unavailable to pick in competitive play. All the other operators are allowed, except if Ubisoft leaves some of them in quarantine at any specific point.

Operators currently in Evaluation Period and/or confirmed as banned for this competition:
● Zero
● Tachanka
● Aruni

Operators otherwise banned from competitive play:
● Echo

Rehost request:
Rehost rules are specified below, including the conditions in which they will be allowed. You can as a player request a rehost if:
● Any issue occurred before the preparation phase starts (game, software or hardwarerelated)
● Unable to move a player (unless it's done on purpose) – rehost can happen in the first 30 seconds of the action phase if no players have taken damage
● Game mechanic not working as intended (moving, shooting, reloading, gadgets, equipm
● Disconnect/hardware problem/software problem - rehost in the first 15 seconds of the preparation phase
● Observer issue - rehost up to the first 30 seconds of the action phase, if no players have taken any damage
● If no players were killed, a rehost is possible up to 30 seconds after the beginning of the action phase