Red Bull Solo Q | UK Online #3

Red Bull Solo Q | Country Qualifier #3 | United Kingdom

Par Red Bull UK
Rules :

Open for all.
You're at least 18 years old.
Parental authorisation :
You're only allowed to participate in one country's qualifier.
Be on Discord:
(you can retry in the international online qualifiers or in the last chance qualifier, though)
You have to hold valid travel documents.

Game mode: 1v1, Blind Pick
Map: Summoner's Rift, top lane

Eliminating your opponent (First blood!), or reach 100 minion score, or taking down the opponents´ tower


Check In: 12:30-13:30
Start: 14:00

Q: How do I change my registration?
A: Before the tournament starts, you can login in to Toornament and change the registration. Or contact an Admin on Discord.

Q: When do I have to check-in?
A: Check-in start is at 12:30 until 13:30

Q: When does my match start?
A: The tournament starts 30 minutes after the checkin at 2pm

Q: Where can I find my upcoming match?
A: You will find your upcoming match at the “My matches” section. Or go to the bracket overview and click on your match via 1. Bracket groups under Matches.

Q: My opponent isn’t here, what must I do?
A: Make sure you wait 10 minutes in the lobby at Toornament. You must announce you are ready. Communication with your opponent is only possible in this lobby. Report a forfeit when you have a no show.

Q: I don’t see a code section / I can’t find a tournament code.
A: If there are no tournament codes available, ask the opponents Summoners Name and setup your own lobby. Check the Ruleset document for details.

Q: Are there picks and bans?
A: No, Blind Pick

Q: I forgot to make a screenshot! What should I do?
A: You should always make a screenshot. Submit your score. When both players submit a different score, the Admin will make a decision.

Q: I want to know more about Toornament, do you have any helpful information?
A: check there knowledgebase at

Q: Can I enter the river or the tri bush in toplane?
A: You may do so, but it is not allowed to kill minions which belong to other lanes than the top lane nor creeps
which belong in the jungle.