MTN Conquest 2019|ACCRA-FIFA


Playstation 4
Par PopOut and !invent, Sponsored by MTN
Coconut Grove Hotel
The below match rules apply to every match in the Conquest tournament, but are subject to changes at MTN's sole discretion and without prior notice.

• Difficulty Level: Legendary
• Half Length: 4 minutes(Pools and Round of 16)
• Specific Controller Setting Exceptions: Legacy Defense prohibited

• Commentary Volume: 0

• Music Volume: 0

• Time/Score display: On
• Camera: Tele Broadcast

• Radar: 2D or 3D

• HUD: Indicator

• Custom tactics are allowed

• Custom formations are disallowed

• Keeper control is allowed(R3), but Keeper select is prohibited.

• Extra Time:

o In Group Play: No Extra Time

o In Knockout Stage: In the event of an aggregated draw after two regular games, another match will be played with golden-goal rules in effect. The first goal determines the winner and the match will be stopped after that. Penalties will decide the winner if none of the two parties score.

o During the Final Showdown(Grand Final):
▪ Another match will be played with golden-goal rules in effect and the match stopped after the first goal determines the winner.

• Custom formations are not permitted. Custom tactics and set pieces are available, however, MTN can decide to turn them off at any point in its absolute discretion.