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Full Discord ID and Steam Profile Page URL [if using a Steam account]: Hardy#9568
Deck 1 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Settsu: IllusoryCleaver, ScratPack, CannibalSwarmers, DragonWhelp, XiaoLong, FireImp, SwarmerKing, DefensoChopper, SoulStealer, HowlingMoon
Deck 2 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Settsu: IllusoryCleaver, ScratPack, CannibalSwarmers, GatlingBike, DragonWhelp, XiaoLong, DroneWalker, DefensoChopper, DivineWarrior, HowlingMoon
Deck 3 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Ravager: IllusoryCleaver, ScratPack, GatlingBike, XiaoLong, DefensoChopper, DragonBall, DragonBall, Cleaver, Cleaver, DeadlyTwins
Deck 4 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): KingPuff: DroneBuzzers, DroneWalker, ClippedDragonWhelps, SwarmerKing, SpearThrowers, BattleShihou, DefensoChopper, DefensoChopper, SoulStealer, Succubus


Full Discord ID and Steam Profile Page URL [if using a Steam account]: Fanderman#5703
Deck 1 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Mordar: ScratPack, PropellerScrats, CannibalSwarmers, DragonWhelp, HealingFireball, StunBlast, StunLancers, Succubus, WitchWolf, HowlingMoon
Deck 2 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): ArcaneMage: ScreamingScrat, PropellerScrats, CannibalSwarmers, DragonWhelp, HealingFireball, Re-boomer, StunBlast, StunLancers, Succubus, HowlingMoon
Deck 3 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): ArcaneMage: ScratPack, PropellerScrats, CannibalSwarmers, DragonWhelp, HealingFireball, Re-boomer, StunBlast, StunLancers, WitchWolf, HowlingMoon
Deck 4 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Settsu: ScratPack, PropellerScrats, CannibalSwarmers, DragonWhelp, HealingFireball, Re-boomer, StunBlast, StunLancers, WitchWolf, HowlingMoon