Weekend Tournament 1

Weekend Tournament 1

Por Competitive Gaming League
Registration Process:
Temporary teams: Toornament will ask you to provide emails for each team member, as well as their nickname. Please put their Uplay nickname in this field. It will also ask you to provide a Discord ID, but this is optional for weekend tournaments.

Once you have submitted the team, we will review the submission and either accept it or reject it with an explanation as to why. If you are accepted, we will reach out to you to add the appropriate roles in Discord, as well as receive the $5 buy in for your team.

Participant Check-in Process:
You are responsible for checking in to the tournament. If you are not checked in by May 10th at 10 AM EDT, CGL will assume you are forfeiting your spot in the event. All games you would have played will be considered an automatic win for your opponents.

Tournament Rules:
Games played shall be Best of One, or one map. There will be 12 rounds of normal play with one overtime round. Your team captain will receive the full rulebook, which will have details on how the Bo1 matches are to be setup. Do note the difference of one round of overtime for Weekend tournaments as stated above.
Maps available to play on are as follows: Bank, Border, Chalet, Clubhouse, Consulate, Kafe Dostoyevsky, Nighthaven Labs, Oregon, Skyscraper.
Map bans shall start with team A, being the top team in the tournament listing of the match up, banning first, and bans shall go until there is one map remaining. Then, Team A shall choose the winning side. We suggest using Mapban.gg as your means of banning.

Reporting Results:
Teams are responsible for reporting results of their matches on Toornament, along with a screenshot of the final scoreboard in Discord. All players should stay in the match until the final scoreboard is present on screen to ensure their results are accurately recorded.