PFS Smash #1 - Spring 2024

Diamond Bar, CA
Controls: Take turns configuring your controls / name after sitting down to start your match. Delete the oldest profile if it caps out.

Ruleset: Always choose "PFS Tournament" ruleset already set up on the switch.

Stage Selection: Always choose "Random". Optionally, if both players agree you may select any stage. Both must agree, else pick random.

Character Selection: Blind pick is optional. You may pick whoever you want in any order you want. However, if any player wishes, you can elect to do blind pick, where both players secretly tell their pick to a neutral 3rd party who will hold them to that pick. Both players are "blind" of the other persons pick. Again this is optional and you can pick without doing this.

Set Length: TBD, announced before start of tournament depending on how many players.