Vigo's Court League Qualifiers

PC, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series
Por Vigo's Court

Build Rules:

Prove Thyself is banned
No offerings at all
No duplicate characters
No duplicate perks, except for 2 BT.
Only yellow items and add-ons or below.
Only one of each item type (medkit, toolbox, etc.) may be used in a match.
Any items found in a chest cannot be used unless they meet the above criteria.

Scoring Rules:

1st Gen = 1 point
2nd Gen = 1 point
3rd Gen = 2 points
4th Gen = 2 points
5th Gen = 3 points
1st escape = 1 point
2nd escape = 2 points
3rd escape = 4 points
4th escape = 6 points
Escape after losing 1 or less Hook Stages = 1 point


Killers can be used only once until finals where they will reset.

Build Rules:
Haunted Ground and Starstruck are banned
Must bring a purple Coin offering
Blight: Green and below
Cannibal: All add-ons
Clown: All add-ons except Pinky Finger
Deathslinger: Purple and below
Demogorgon: All add-ons
Doctor: All add-ons except Iridescent King
Executioner: All add-ons
Hag: Purple and below
Hillbilly: Purple and below
Huntress: All add-ons except Infantry Belt and Iridescent Head
Legion: All add-ons
Myers: All add-ons
Nemesis: All add-ons
Nightmare: All add-ons
Nurse: Green and below except Heavy Panting
Oni: All add-ons except Scalped Topknot
Pig: All add-ons except Amanda’s Letter
Plague: Purple and below
Spirit: Yellow add-ons and below
Trapper: All add-ons except Bloody Coil
Trickster: All add-ons
Twins: Purple add-ons and below
Wraith: All add-ons

Scoring Rules:

1st stage (hook) = 2 points
2nd stage (hook) = 2 points
2nd stage (progression) = 1 point
3rd stage (hook) = 3 points
3rd stage (progression) = 2 points
Cages of Atonement count as hooks
Mori or Mori-adjacent = Points for the equivalent hook
Entity kill = Hook + remaining stages
Bleed-out = 0 points
4 kills = 2 points
Progression Modifier: Should a killer achieve a 7th or 8th progression, the points will go as follows:
7th = 1 points
8th = 1 points

Gameplay Rules


Game manipulation such as but not limited to stream sniping, lag switching and any hacking or mods will result in the offending players being banned from the League. If after an investigation it was seen as a team decision, all of that team’s contests will be viewed as a loss. Additional punishments such as a full-team ban may be incurred as well.
Repeat offenders will be subject to being suspended from play.
Stretched resolutions, macros, and brightness settings are not considered game manipulation.
Any reports of cheating or manipulating/exploiting the rules will be investigated.


Disconnects that happen before the first hook or generator will be allowed a restart, with no points given to anyone.
Teams may only do this 2 times per tournament.

Match Resets:

A reset may occur when any violation of the rules occurs, or when a bug, disconnect, or ping issue occurs.
The referee may choose not to restart a game based on the issue’s potential to affect the game. Should this occur, the victim team can still choose to restart the match after the match plays out.
Violations of build, character, and roster rules will typically be played out.
Restarts will not be done for bugs, disconnects, or ping after 1 gen or 1 hook.
In the event of a reset, all players may change their builds and characters.

Match Rules:

Higher seeded team will survive first.
Killers can be used 2 times each during the regular season, but not twice in the same match. Should this occur, the match will be restarted.
Failure to equip the right map starting a trial will result in a penalty (see Penalties section) and a restart.
All players playing in a trial must be on the team’s roster, or there will be a penalty given (see Penalties section) to that team.
Once everyone is in the lobby, teams have 5 minutes to ready up before penalty, barring lobby issues which will be a judgement call from the ref. After 5 minutes, penalties will be incurred (see Penalties section).
If the teams are tied at the end of the matches, Sudden Death commences.


Bringing 2 of the same survivor = -5 points
Using a banned item/perk/add-on = -5 points
Setting and loading into the wrong map = -5 points for host
Harassing the referee = -10 points
Using a killer more than twice in a season = -10 points
Using a player not listed on the roster = -10 points
Each minute past 5 minutes unreadied in the lobby = -1 point

Refereeing and Scorekeeping:

All matches must have a referee, who will also serve as the scorekeeper.
All players must be able to provide a recording of the match upon request and have the ability to share their screen upon request.
Referees must be able to contact each team in the event of a match restart.
Referee decisions based on the rules are up to that referee’s interpretation of the rules.
Teams must point out any uncalled penalties to the referee before the next match.
All match issues will be handled by the referee. Resets are a possibility if technical issues arise or the wrong settings are put in.
Any bugged items/perks/etc. are subject to temporary bans until fixed.
All players must be able to provide footage of their games.

Roster Rules:

Each team will consist of 4-12 players on the roster.
Teams and Players may not change their names during the tournament.
Players may not change their screen names for the league more than 1 time per season.

Sudden Death Rules:

Two games will be played.
Does not affect the killer usage totals.
Killers must use one of the two killers they used in the match.
Only players who played in the original matches may play, and only in the role (survivor or killer) which they played.
This will repeat until a winner is decided.
If this happens for a game where there are only 2 matches, teams must use the killer they have already used.

Tournament/Playoff Rules:

The highest-seeded team will survive first.
Any rounds before the quarterfinals consist of 2 matches instead of 4 matches.
Killers can be used once every 4 rounds in the playoffs/tournament before the finals, but teams do not have to wait 4 rounds to reuse a killer (4 rounds = 1 use each, 5 rounds = 2 uses each, 8 rounds = 2 uses each, etc.
Killer usage limits reset for the finals.