League 1

These rules apply to all Friendly Fire competitions. For specific Rules for each Event or League please check the "Rules" section.

The Friendly Fire administration has the right to decide outside or even against these rules in special cases to guarantee fairplay.

Code of Conduct
Ours is a community that welcomes everyone and includes all, no matter their shape, size, color, gender, background, disability, or beliefs. We believe that anybody should feel welcome in gaming, everybody ought to be meaningfully included, and all people deserve to be fairly represented. We expect members of our community to uphold our four fundamental values:

1. Treat others how you want to be treated; consider their perspectives. You value the diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and opinions of others, even when different from your own. You appreciate that all viewpoints come from the life experiences of fellow human beings. You understand that online interactions impact real people in real ways, both offline and online.

2. Be honest, honorable, and fair. You behave honorably and honestly. You take responsibility for your words and actions. While playing games, you honor the rules and spirit of honest competition.

3. Respect all other humans. You respect everyone regardless of their background, identity, physical appearance, or beliefs. Even in competitive gaming where “trash-talk” is common, you are a good sport and respect opponents as fellow human beings, keeping the banter to the game, not ever making it personal.

4. Be courageous and stand up for what's right. You have the courage to moderate your own behavior, speak out against harassment, and report violations by others. You do not tolerate harassment or hate speech of any kind, even when you are not directly involved.

Participants must not engage in harassment or hate speech in any form.

All participants must abstain, at all times, from poor, undesirable, or negative behavior towards anybody involved with the tournament in any way.

All participants must abstain, at all times, from any action or inaction that brings anybody involved with the tournament in any way into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule or reduces the public relations or commercial value of any involved party. This includes derogatory comments aimed at Friendly Fire, its partners, or products in interviews, statements and/or social media channels.

All texts and other communication sent in either protest or support tickets, or written by the administrators to members of a certain league or tournament, cannot be published without the permission.

Violation of this Code of Conduct will result in penalties, disqualification, or banning from future Friendly Fire competitions.

Only Amateur players can participate. If you are a pro or semi-pro esports player, you are not allowed to compete in the Friendly Fire Esports competitions.

This rule is here to encourage Amateurs to compete for fun and prestige, without being dominated by pro players.

Semi-pro status is defined by the income players receive from esports competitions. If a player's monthly net income is higher than 33% of the average net salary in the same location, a player will be considered a semi-pro and will not be eligible to compete in Friendly Fire competitions.

Cheating will result in an immediate ban on the whole team. Friendly Fire reserves the right to investigate and make the final decision regarding suspicious activity.

If you suspect that someone is cheating, please report the event to your Esports Arena Manager.

Game, Scripts and other Software
In general, all programs which are not part of the original game or Friendly Fire Software, including custom-data and modifications, are not allowed in any Friendly Fire competition. All external voice programs are allowed (e.g. Teamspeak, Discord, Ventrilo etc.). Programs that provide an advantage during game play (e.g. drivers that allow the removing of walls) are forbidden. Any programs that change the game itself are forbidden.

Scripts and changes to the game's configuration are allowed, unless they are partly or completely forbidden by the specific rules. However, these scripts must be approved by your Arena Manager and installed in advance, under supervision.

Game Coverage and Streaming
Friendly Fire reserves exclusive right to the coverage of all Friendly Fire competition matches. This includes all forms of transmission.
Friendly Fire can assign the coverage rights of a match or several matches to a third party or the players themselves by special permission. Players or third parties must contact Friendly Fire to obtain permission.

Team Organization
Each team will have a captain selected by each Esports Arena Manager. Captains will be responsible for respecting Rules and organizing matches that are due. Captains will communicate with each other to resolve all issues.
Friendly Fire competition administration reserves the right to remove or replace the captain at any time.

One player is not allowed to compete for two teams in the same competition.
The exception can be made only for players that compete for the same Esports Arena but in different teams. Teams must compete in the same division. This exception can be exercised only in 25% of total matches.

Each team is allowed to register two additional players as substitutions. Teams from the same Esports Arena are allowed to share substitution players. However, the player is allowed to compete only for one team.
Substitution players will not earn prizes nor owe a registration fee if they don't compete at least once.

Fees and Prizes
Different Friendly Fire competitions may have different fees and prizes. It's up to Friendly Fire to decide about this.

Please contact your Esports Arena to find out what are fees to compete. Prizes will be defined for every competition in the "Prizes" section.


Best of 3 is played.
Teams in the Division play with each other 2 times.
In the case of result, the 12:12 Sudden Death format is played.

Pause between matches can be no longer than 15 minutes unless agreed by captains otherwise.

Technical issues
In-game pauses are allowed for technical issues only.

If the whole team gets disconnected because of hardware or internet issues, another team will pause the game and wait until the issue is resolved.

If the game is not able to continue because of unrecoverable technical issues, the game shall be re-played as soon as it will be possible.

A win counts for 2 points.

Loss counts for 1 point.

If team doesn't show up for a match, they get -1 points.