Warzone 1.5 K/D limit DUO

CyberSportsRiga Warzone DUO 1.5 K/D cap Tournament

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One
Por Cyber Sports Riga
Online, Europe
1️⃣ The first phase - 2h game.
All teams will have one start time at 19.00 and it will run for two hours. Within those two hours, teams can play as many games of Warzone ❗️Trios❗️ as they like and submit their three best game results.

You can start your last game at 20.59
We ask every team to record/stream their games in case of any complications occur. Recordings have to be available for 7 days.
Map - Verdansk.
Game mode TRIOS with Squad fill - disabled.
Cross-Play has to be enabled.

Points System for the first phase -
⚫️ Each Kill in the round : 1 point

Reporting stats/results of the game -
Right after 2h of games, one of the teams players have to send in your team's 3 best scores in the Cyber Sports Riga discord channel - 🆘support.
An example -
- Team name
- Game 1 - Kills (Player #1 nickname - kills, Player #2 - kills)
- Game 2 - Kills (Player #1 nickname - kills, Player #2 - kills)
- Game 3 - Kills (Player #1 nickname - kills, Player #2 - kills)

!!!Those stats have to show on cod.tracker.gg!!!
Please send your team's scores as understandable as possible (screenshots from cod.tracker.gg + highlighted scores are preferred).
Scores will be posted on the toornamnet.com platform later that night.

Teams discovered to have been playing in a game mode other than Trios will receive 0 points.
If we receive no results it will be considered a forfeit.

*tiebreaker -
1st - team with the most kills from any of the games will advance.
2nd - a team that registered 1st for the tournament gets a higher position.

After the first phase, the top 16 teams will advance to the 2nd phase.
If there are less than 16 teams - all teams will qualify for the elimination round.

2️⃣ The second phase - Elimination.

In the elimination rounds, you will play two back-to-back games in ❗️Quads❗️ game mode with your opponent on the party/team. In this phase, Cross-play can be disabled if both teams agree on it.

The team with the most kills in two rounds advances to the next round.
*If after two matches the score is even, teams have to play an extra round.

Proof of Results -
When your game is over you have to record/take a photo of the screen with your kills.
Or check cod.tracker.gg for kills.

Reporting stats/results of the game -
One team's players have to send scores in the Cyber Sports Riga discord channel - 🆘support.

Disconnects -
Players are responsible for their internet connection. If a player gets kicked out - the game resumes. No restarts!!!

Cheaters in public lobbies -
There might be a cheater that will kill you from 3km away from you. No one is protected - no restarts when a cheater gets you.

❗️You are more than welcome to make some highlights. If you do stream, please refer to Cyber Sports Riga! Send highlights to us at [email protected] and we will post them on our social media platforms.
❗️Cheating, using devices like Cronus max, or falsifying results is not allowed, and cheaters will be banned from the tournament!

Participation fee payment options -
1️⃣ Bank account -
Bank account no - LV64HABA0551049844352
Amount- 10 euro
Details- Warzone 1.5KD - Teams name.

2️⃣ PayPal -
[email protected]
Amount - 10 euro
Add a note - Warzone 1.5KD - Teams name.

❗️Payment has to be done before registration closes.