Online, Europe
Dear Players!

I am pleased to announce the CoDBase Online Cup #6,please find the registration form below.

CoDBase Cup #6:

Register Deadline: 2021. April 23. 16:00 CET
Draw: 2021. April 23. 17:00-19:00 CET.
Cup Date:

Group Matches:
2021. April 23 20:00 CET - 2021. April 30 20:00 CET.

2021. April 30 20:00 CET - 2021. May 9 23:59 CET

Registration: Register your team in #team-registration channel on discord with the following informations:
-Team Name with National flag (if mixteam EU flag)
-Member list
-Team Captain with his discord name
-PB GUID List (last 8 characters enough)

We can’t accept your registration if any of theese missing. If you have the same team, LU and GUIDs like last time just type team name and SAME LU

Maplist: Brecourt, Carentan, Dawnville, Depot, Harbor, Neuville, Powcamp, Railyard, Tigertown, GermanTown, Vacant, Hanoi, Panzermine

You can download the 3 maps from here:

5v5 (or if both teams agree 4v4)
BO1prerolled maps (only the final map ban)
MR13 (First to 14 round) 13-13 overtime only on playoff , first to 4 on overtime
After group matches double elim

Pam mode and Server
All matches must be played on CoDBase Servers (1-8 or HUN) (IP, password and rcon in #server-list).
/rcon pam_mode match_bo1

If any server freeze or any other problem shows up please pm for McFly or [OMBD] Anglhz or xa1ruZ with the server number.
Cup rules (Most important ones).

Every team must play on the preselected maps, on time.
After 15min, no show.
Every map results must be pictured and sent to #match-results on discord.
A match starts with pistol bash for side. The winner of the bash round can choose the side. (in the final: pistol bash for first ban and map/side, upper bracket team choose the map order after the bash)
Forbidden Glitches:
Clipping is not allowed and will be punished with a round loss.(Fast lean)
Up-Down allowed. (Any up and down clip BIND is NOT allowed and will be punished with a match loss.)

Aimrunning as for realoading your gun holding leftmouse down to Aim while running.

Grenade glitch to gain 2 nades with mp44.

All exec,vstr,cmdcur commands not allowed

Any map bugs are not allowed (jump out, buggy plant) especially on Panzermine on "A" bomb PLANT ONLY TO THE GROUND. Jump on the barrels and plant not allowed.

Edited CoDMP.exe not allowed

/cg_drawfps 1 mandatory

Servers logs are public (Ask the organizer)

Demos and Moss Anticheat /Veritas are mandatory (latest version)!

Moss: auto updated software

Demos and Moss screenshots and logs can be requested by the clans and the admins during a match conflict, and therefore should be kept until the result has been accepted on CoDBase. In case of a conflict the demos must be kept until the conflict has been resolved.
In case of a conflict after the match, either clan may request up to 4 demos per match

At the end of the match MOSS/Veritas and demo files for all players are required to upload here: #deleted-channel. if it doesn’t happen 15 minutes after the match forfeit loss.

GUID's are unique identifiers used in games to recognize players.
Every player must register his PB guid
Use the console command '/screenshotjpeg' to make a screenshot of the GUID's in a match.
Players who did not register the correct GUID more than 24 hours before a match will be considered freelancers.

Before the match

If you're more than 15 minutes late, you have to accept a no-show if your opponent insists. If you feel there's a good reason the result shouldn't be a no-show, you'll have to convince your opponent of that.
If one clan is short of players or refuses to start the match with the rules agreed upon in the challenge form, the other clan can demand a no-show to be filled in. Remember that challenge notes, the proposed server and agreements made elsewhere are not considered to be binding rules.
During the match

Once a match has started, its result counts, unless both sides agree it shouldn't. Ping, lag issues or incorrect server settings are no excuse for leaving; you should have checked the server before you started playing.
If one clan walks away from the match, the score at the time when their last player quit can be considered to be the result of the match by the clan that stayed. If this score doesn't reflect the probable final outcome of the match, CoDBase can change it to the advantage of the clan that stayed.

Cup main organizers: @McFly @Nirboo
Admins (for spectate the match): @Vicious @NERlords rAZZAH @prm @m3x_
Streamers: @McFly @BURN28 @prm @Fatality Heli VENXZRR @Skely aKa TheUnluckyMan10 @IXAAM