DediFire Irish League S1

DediFire Irish League S1

Por DediFire
Online, Dublin
All players must record a POV. (use Record "demoname" in console). These demos must be given to an admin on request. If a player refuses to hand over a demo or forgot to record the map is handed over to the opposite team. If the demo is missing more than 6 rounds in total then it will count as a demo not shown. Demos must be requested at maximum 3 days after the match, any demo requests after 3 days will be ignored. In the case of someone being caught cheating through the demo review system then All previous matches that involved this player will be removed without review of a demo from them and the team will be disqualified giving any future matches a DEF Win and any past matches a DEF win.

If a team is more than 10 minutes late its an instant loss for the late team. You may be excused if you have reasoned with an Admin before the match was due to start.

If a match is rendered incomplete due to the purposeful Demolition ,refusal to get a standin, No time to finish it or not finishing the map then both maps will go to the team who did not do any of the above

Must be done 15 minutes before the match by the captains at minimum and maps be reported back to Admins.
Format is Ban/Ban/Ban/Ban/Pick/Pick

If its not allowed in ESL ( ) then its most likely not allowed here either unless otherwise stated in the rules below. If you have questions about a rule Message me.

Standins and Rosters:
A maximum of 2 stand ins are allowed per Bo2. You may only use 2 Standin players over the course of 2 maps vs a team e.g If 1 team brings in Stan and Kim for Map 1 then they must use either Stan and Kim for map 2 or use their 2 registered players who are already a part of the roster. Trials may be already in the league in another team but can only trial on 1 team and may not play on another team during this perioud including the team they are registered with. All standins must be submitted to Admins atleast 30 minutes before the match and Rosters must be confirmed 24 hours prior to matches so we can update spreadsheets. Standins may not already be registered for a different team in the tournament but are allowed to be from any country as long as the team stays majority Irish while using them, meaning with standins you still must have 3 Irish players.

If teams need to use a Trial player as they dont have a complete roster they may continue with that Trial and 2 Standins under Admin permission

Shit talking is permitted , Racism may not be tolerated at a serious level but teams may run their mouths ingame.

Matches can be delayed by a maximum of 36 Hours unless special circumstances occur like you are taking part in another competition, otherwise a standin will have to be used. Your captain must contact an administrator 20 Hours before you match is scheduled to start to change the schedule or it will be a Default win and count as a no-show for you. 5 No-Shows to matches will DQ you from the league without refund.

Pause Rules: (Tactical Pause Rules Only)

(3x5minute Tech pauses allowed per game and at most 3 per half.)
4x 30second Pauses
or 2x 1Minute Pauses
or 1x 2Minute pause
Max of 2 Pauses per half!
(Using more than the allowed time in a pause is punishable by 1 round score taken away from your total at the end of the league, you may however pause longer with the other teams consent.)

Breaks after Matches:
There is maximum 15 minutes of break between maps. Get something to eat , go toilet and get back ASAP ;)

Any missed info may be found here:
Command Abuse:
Abusing ingame commands such as .stop, .pause and .restart (or their "/" and "!" equivalents) will result in an instant map loss for your team

Rules can be changed anytime by admins without question.