Block N Load Asian Winter League


> All matches should be played on the specified region.

> All competitors involved are expected to know and understand all of the rules. Not knowing that a rule existed is not an excuse for breaking that rule.

> Any rule being broken may lead to disciplinary action. This action will be at the discretion of the Admin(s) involved, and the situation will be taken into account. Punishment may include, but not be limited to, forfeits, kicks, temporary and permanent bans.

> All registrations will be vetted before a team is accepted into the league. Teams 'may' be rejected based on:
--- An inappropriate Team Name
--- An inappropriate Player Name
--- A team member has used cheats
However, the admins reserve the right to use discretion on all matters.

> Each team must have a roster of 6 as a minimum & a maximum of 7, this is to ensure all teams have back up players to avoid forfeiting matches regularly or playing uneven matches.

> Matches will consist of one team of 5 players facing another team of 5 players. In exceptional circumstances this rule may be waived at an Admin's discretion.

> Each team will appoint a team captain. This player will be the spokesperson for the team & communicate with the admin team before, during and after the match.

> Players who compete in the tournament can only play for 1 team throughout the league's duration.

> Players who leave one team, are not permitted to participate with a different team during the tournament.


> The Block N Load league runs in a league structure over 5 weeks of competition where teams will gain points per match played based on the result.

> Each fixture will be a Home & Away Duel format, which will dictate which Arena is played & when.
--- Each team will register a Home Arena
--- Each fixture has 2 rounds
--- 1 match will be played on each of the home Arenas.
--- A win is based on winning both matches: 4pt
--- A split or draw would be where both teams win 1 match: 2pt
--- A loss is where a team loses both matches: 1pt
--- 0 points will be given for a forfeit


> It is each teams responsibility to arrange their fixtures.

> If a player disconnects during the match teams must continue playing until that match is over.

> Any original player who disconnects is allowed to rejoin the match in progress. It is the team's responsibility to get their player reconnected as soon as possible.

> If the Server connection becomes unstable and the game suddenly ends, the game must be restarted.

> Player Disconnection – Should a player disconnect, he/she must reconnect to the game immediately.

> The host will be decided by the teams arranging their match – as the server is hosting the matches there should be no issues with this.


> All matches are to be played through "Custom".

> Any new heroes released will be disabled for the tournament, and will be listed here:
--- Roly Poly Fat Fat

> Both home Arenas must be used 1/match
--- Home Arenas must be picked from the Arena Pool: Mountain Express, Beach Base, and Block Docks


> Password – Yes (The team creating the match must inform their opponent of the game password)

> Build Time – 05:00

> Max Respawn Time – 0%

> Game Type: Custom Match

> Super Supply Drop: Unticked



> Both teams are responsible for reporting the result of a match. This should be done via the Match Result Reporting App:

> The League will be updated on Mondays following activity.

> In the instance that only one team reports the match result, an admin will process the result before or on the next round start time. Results will not manually be reported before this time.


> In the instance that both teams report conflicting results, the match will be placed into dispute and will be handled by a member of staff.


> In the event of a dispute, both teams will be asked to provide evidence of their match victory. Please see the Evidence Policy section below to find out what evidence is required.

> If neither team is able to provide evidence of their match victory, both teams will be removed from the tournament.


> A team has fifteen (15) minutes from the agreed match time to show up and be ready to start the match. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit.


> If you have a no-show issue, you must provide evidence that you have invited all members of the opposing team to play prior to the fifteen (15) minute no-show deadline.