Fight For South Florida

Fight For South Florida COD: Warzone Charity Tournament

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One
Online, Tournament begins @ 11:00 am EST on 3/28/2020
Below are the rules and regulations of the tournament. If you or your team have any questions about anything at all please feel free to direct message @FightForSouthFlorida on Instagram or email [email protected]. Thank You So Much For Your Support!

Tournament Style:
- 3 Man Odd Man Out Single Elimination/ $60 Minimum Donation Buy In

How to play:
- Teams are split into two groups, one group of 2 and one solo player. Meaning 2 people from your team and the solo player from the opposing team will be in each lobby.
- The group of 2 shall invite the solo player from the opposing team and vice versa.
- Two games will be played at the same time.

- Total kills will be added up for all three members on your team across the two matches to determine the winner. The team with the most kills wins the match.
- All kills, including kills achieved in the Gulag, will count towards the score. (Warzone automatically tallies Gulag kills on your scoreboard)
- Tiebreakers will be determined in the order presented here: (1) Combined squad kills; (2) Combined squad damage; (3) A flip of a coin by the Tournament Organizer.
- A match is considered concluded once all players from both teams have either fully died or won their Warzone lobby. Players returning to battle after the Gulag are not considered dead.

How to Set Up A Match with an Opponent:
1. Login into your account on your phone or computer.
2. Click on the GAMES tab to check your upcoming match.
3. Click on the LOBBY tab to start a chat with your opposing team. The lobby chat will be used to verify which squad member from each team will play in the opposing teams lobby. REMEMBER TO SHARE ACTIVISION ACCOUNT NAMES NOT XBOX OR PLAYSTATION USERNAMES
4. Send a Activision friend request to the opposing team player who will join your lobby. Make sure the odd man joins your squad before starting the match.
5. Play a standard Battle Royal match until all squad members are fully dead or have won the Warzone lobby.
6. Take a picture of the scoreboard once the match concludes and your squad has received a placement rank (ex. your squad placed 15 in your Warzone lobby). In the event of a tie, these photos are NECESSARY to determine a match winner. The photos will also settle reporting disputes.
7. Report your score to the Toornament system, please find the REPORTING A MATCH section for more details on how to do so.

Odd Man Courtesy :
- Teams are permitted to work together, however, you may not intentionally cause the death of your opponent or negatively impact your opponent's gameplay. Doing so will result in a forfeit of the match.
- In the instance both Squads lobbies make it into the same match, they are allowed to hunt each other freely (you still can not Sabotage inside your Squad)
- You are not required to revive the opposing squad member(s) in your squad, but you will earn the respect of your opponents if you do so. (This actually happened to me in a tournament once. It is incredible how generous gamers can be!)

Reporting A Match:
- Please review how to properly report your squads score at
- For a quick guide: Enter into your Toornament Account --> Games Tab --> Report Tab --> Submit complete report.
- Both Teams must report a score for the match.
- Place the amount of kills in the score input section and select whether your team lost, draw, or won.
- Insert a picture of your final scoreboard.
- Each team should should submit a picture of both match scoreboard. Thus a total of 4 pictures (two per team) should be attached to the score report.
- In the event of a draw on kills, the Tournament Organizer will view all files and will determine a winner based on the total damage score for each team.

A team has 10 seconds to leave the match due to lag after landing/start, and it will be replayed if they can provide proof of lag and leaving the match If, however in that time you take damage from another player, pick up an item, or your opponent gets a elimination/knock the match will stand from that point on. If after this point a member disconnects from the match, the match will not be replayed or canceled. Enrolling in tournament/cash out matches, you agree to these terms. Ping is not a valid indicator of lag for us to identify lag we must see in-game evidence of that lag like skipping, freezing, rubberbanding, etc.

Disconnections 30 seconds after landing in a Warzone match can be replayed at opponents/Tournament Organizers discretion if valid proof is supplied of the disconnection promptly after it has occurred. No replay will be issued without proof of disconnect. Your teammate must have left within 30 seconds after your disconnection in order for it to have gotten a replay.