IDC/Games Championship 1

IDC/Games Championship Zula Europe Qualifier 1

Por IDC/Games
ALL Games MOSS files and a Screenshot showing the final result AFTER each MAP must be uploaded here
Look if your MOSS is uploaded here:

Matches will be played in the Esports server.
Players must be residents of Europe.


1.1 Match Start / Punctuality

All matches of the League should start as stated on the website under Any changes of the time must be accepted by the Executive Board or the League admins. All Teams and Players in a match should be on the server and ready to go at the latest fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the match.

1.2 Storage and Keeping of Match Media

All match media (screenshots / MOSS etc.) must be stored by the Team for a minimum of two (2) weeks after each completion of a match. If there is a protest on the match, the records need to be stored by the Team for a minimum of two (2) weeks after the protest has been closed and resolved.

1.3 Veto System
1. BAN 1st team
2. BAN 2nd team
3. BAN 1st team
4. BAN 2nd team
5. LAST MAP - 1st team pick side (the one in the upper bracket)

1. BAN 1st team
2. BAN 2nd team
3. PICK 1st team and 2nd team pick side
4. PICK 2nd team and 1st team pick side
5. LAST MAP - The team with more rounds won in the 2 previous maps choose side. If there still tie in the rounds. The 1st team pick side


All games have to be played with this settings:

- Game Type: Sabotage
- Map: Map Veto
- Player Count: 8v8 (so a GM can enter the room)
- Match/Round Time: 2:15 minutes
- Winning condition: 10 Rounds
- Game Type: Normal
- Limitations: Normal
- Join Ongoing Matches: Yes

Note: 2 snipers maximum per team. If there is 3 snipers in a round, the reported team (with evidences) can be disqualified.


3.1 MOSS (Anti-Cheat)

MOSS: MOnitor System Status is mandatory for ALL players and can be found under: Players must use the program for the full duration of all matches. If a
Player cannot use MOSS he is not allowed to participate in a match and can give a lose even if the Team wins.

For a missing MOSS file the player/team will be punished. Team can be punished too by Zula Gold or default win.

For an incomplete file the Team will be warned one time per match (multiple invalid files will count as one warning for the team ). Once a Team receives 2 warning in the same tournament , it will be disqualified from the current competition.
Only the involved players will receive 1 (one) warning that will last for 30 days starting from the day the MOSS file got uploaded. If within those 30 days the player receives a second warning the team will be disqualified from the current tournament.

Remember: MOSS files uploaded but from another match ARE NOT listed as Invalid, but the file is considered as Missing.

Current Warnings can be seen here:

3.2 Map Pool

The map pool includes the following maps:
- Favela
- Old Town
- Wedding Hall
- China
- Refugee’s Camp

3.3 Nickname Ingame

Players are only allowed to use their own official nicknames - without any additions - during IDC/Games matches. Every player that has officially registered his nickname with Zula for sponsored events is required to use the same nickname for all IDC/Games matches. Sponsor names can be added at the end of the nickname, but only if they are being displayed on the official team's website and if the full nickname remains visible.

3.4 Number of Players

All matches must be played with five Players per team (5vs5). If a Team fails to show up with enough Players, the match will count as no-show and will be forfeited.

One (1) reserve minimum per team.

3.5 Dropping of Players

If a Player drops, the match will continue, even if it’s a 3vs5, and the player has try to enter the game. If the Player can’t enter the game the match will proceed.

3.6 Change of Players
Players can be changed at any time before the match or/and between maps.

3.7 Leaving the Server/Not finishing the game

All matches must be played to the end, failure to do so will be punishable by IDC/GAMES. Punish can be Zula Gold and other decided by League admins.

3.8 Continuing an Interrupted Game

If a match is interrupted (e.g. server crash) then the match should be continued where it was left off. All fully completed rounds before the crash count for the final score of the match. There won't be pause in the games.

For example: Team A have won 3 rounds and Team B have won 2 rounds and the game crashes. The match will start again with the Team A with 3 rounds win and Team B with 2 rounds win.

3.9 Overtime

If result is a tie overtime must be played, winning condition must be set to 5 rounds. Wrong match settings lead to a rehost of the match

3.10 Player Settings

Any external program that gives advantage to the player is completely forbidden and bannable such as programs of macro, scripts, wallhack, modifiying textures, aimbot...
Changing the game graphics or textures with the help of video card drivers or similar tools is illegal.
Software modification similar to what Nvidia Inspector, AMD drivers allows on games are not allowed.
Any modification (game files) or changing of the game using external graphics solutions or other 3rd party programs are stricly prohibited.
This rules may be punished by DQ and/or ban between 2 weeks and lifetime depending on age and level of player and nature/size of tournament/competition and how the player cheated.
We recommend use Windows 10, don’t play with 1152x864 resolution and have DirectX updated to avoid MOSS problems.


4.1 Definition
A protest is the official communication between the Teams and the admins regarding any irregularities, infringements or other concerns in the competition. A protest may also be filed during a match for things like incorrect server settings and other related issues.

4.2 Contents of a Match Protest
The protest must contain detailed information about why the protest was filed, on which grounds it is filed and when the alleged incident happened. A protest may be declined by the League admin if proper documentation is not presented. A simple “they are cheating” or “they are using hacks” will not do. Proof is a must.

4.3 Deadline for Match Protests

The latest time Teams are allowed to issue a match protest is:
- 16 hours after the scheduled starting time of the match. If protest is made after 16h won’t be valid.
Decision of the protests will be informed via email to the teams involved and there will be 16h time for allegations, must contain detailed information.


The attempt to mislead League admins or other Players, using false information, or in any other way deceive other Players or Teams will be sanctioned as follows.
- Faking Match media
Faking match media (MOSS and screenshots) may result in one (1) to three (3) months of competition ban to the player or team.

- Ringer/Faker
Any Players involved in faking or ringing a Player the shared account will be banned permanently from the game and the team in which the user sharing account will be disqualified from the pertinent competition and will have a veto of 30 days about participating in other tournaments/competitions. This rule often happens in connection with the rule “Playing with a Disallowed Player”, in that case the punishments are cumulated.

- Playing with a Disallowed Player
Using a disallowed player will be translated in the permanent ban of the shared account and player’s account from the game. Also, the player will be disqualified from the pertinent tournament/competition and will have a veto of 30 days about participating in other tournaments/competitions.

- Cheating
When cheating is discovered the Team will be disqualified from the competition and the Player will be banned from the IDC/GAMES competitions for one (1) year. The use of programs that gives advantages will result in a cheat ban: multihacks, wallhack, aimbot, changing textures, regedit, sounds. These are only examples, other programs or methods may be considered cheats as well.

- No show
If a Team is not ready to play 10 minutes after the official match starting time, the Team will be considered as no show and will receive a default loss.