Black Ops 4 Tournament

Playstation 4

5 v 5
Max 7 players allowed to be registered

Incorrect PSN – FF for all maps played
Both clans need to agree with the host
Host needs to run a connection test
If someone times out within 30 secs of map starting, game must be ended immediately and sufficient time allowed for player to rejoin and restart the map.
Host cannot end game if someone times out after 30 seconds
If someone joins that is not on either clans roster, host must end game and kick them, map will continue on from the last completed round before the player jumped in.
Host needs to ensure the set up is correct (Forfeit incorrect set up).

In-Game Issues
If a clan jumps off before a CB is completed they will have 10 minutes to jump back on and join the lobby to finish it off
Players may not spectate the oppositions team for more than 10 seconds or it will result in a forfeit for that map.
Incorrect set up is a forfeit all maps used.

You are allowed 2 subs in a lobby per clan
Subs must kill themselves within 10 seconds of the start of a round
Subs must have a class that they are able to kill themselves straight away and not affect any other playe

You will have 14hrs to send link of stream for winning . The 14hrs starts from the locked in time that has been mutually agreed by both teams. Otherwise, that CB is VOID and you stay on your current rank, this includes posting your defends.

If you are caught using the following Weapons or Items in CB's you will automatically forfeit the maps you have used them for.

Banned Weapons/Items/Maps
DLC Maps
Bonus Maps
All LMGs
All Shotguns
Tactifal Rifles - ONLY Auger DMR
Launchers (Unless you are subbing and using it to kill yourself)
DLC Weapons (Weapons earnt in Tiers)
Weapon Attachments
Operator Mod
High Caliber
High Caliber 2
Rapid Fire
All Specialist's Equipment
Body Armor
Equipment charge
Comsec Device
Acoustic Sensor