Jugadores en el encuentro


Full Discord ID and Steam Profile Page URL [if using a Steam account]: JF#8224 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198313650313/
Deck 1 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): ArcaneMage: ScreamingScrat, ScreamingScrat, IllusoryCleaver, ScratPack, ShockRock, CallToArms, GraspingThorns, GraspingThorns, ClearSkies, BridgeShrine
Deck 2 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): ArcaneMage: ScreamingScrat, ShockRock, Daggerfall, XiaoLong, ClearSkies, PlasmaMarines, WhirlyScrat, Fireball, Blastmancer, Cleaver
Deck 3 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): KingPuff: ScreamingScrat, HealPuff, ClippedDragonWhelps, ClippedDragonWhelps, SpearThrowers, DroneBuzzers, DroneBuzzers, StunLancers, Succubus, DefensoChopper
Deck 4 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Ratbo: ScreamingScrat, PropellerScrats, GraspingThorns, XiaoLong, BannerMan, ScratHorde, PlasmaMarines, Assassin, Fireball, WitchWolf


Full Discord ID and Steam Profile Page URL [if using a Steam account]: 🐺𝔊ℜ𝔢𝔜 𝔚𝔬𝔩𝔉#8326; https://steamcommunity.com/id/GReY_WolF93/
Deck 1 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Milloween: Blood Imps, Illusory Cleaver, Nether Bat, Scrat Pack, Screaming Scrat, Screaming Scrat, S.T.INT, Shock Rock, Clear Skies, Divine Warrior
Deck 2 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Volco: Illusory Cleaver, Illusory Cleaver, Nether Bat, Nether Bat, Scrat Pack, Screaming Scrat, Crossbow Dudes, Daggerfall, Magma Cannon, Divine Warrior
Deck 3 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): King Puff: Combustion, Crossbow Dudes, Shock Rock, Netherstep, Tantrum Throwers, Assassin, Fire Imp, Propeller Horde, Divine Warrior, Succubus
Deck 4 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Mordar: Shock Rock, Cursebearer, Daggerfall, Plasma Marines, Xiao Long, Musketeer, Whirly Scrat, Defenso Chopper, Succubus, Cleaver