MFGZ's CS:GO #1 Algeria


Por MaxFrame & Game Zone GZ
1. Global Rules
1.1. General
The league administration has the right to decide outside or even against the rulebook in special cases to guarantee fairplay.

1.2. Code of Conduct
Every participant has to behave with respect towards the representatives of the MGFZ, press, viewers, partners and other players. The participants are requested to represent esports, the MGFZ, and their Sponsors honorably. This applies to behavior in-game and also in chats, messengers, comments and other media. We expect players to conduct themselves according to the following values:

Compassion: treat others as you would be treated.
Integrity: be honest, be committed, play fair.
Respect: show respect all other humans, including teammates, competitors, and event staff.
Courage: be courageous in competition and in standing up for what is right.
Participants must not engage in harassment or hate speech in any form. This includes, but is not limited to:

Hate speech, offensive behavior, or verbal abuse related to sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, or religion.
Stalking or intimidation (physically or online).
Spamming, raiding, hijacking, or inciting disruption of streams or social media.
Posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”).
Unwelcome sexual attention. This includes, unwelcome sexualized comments, jokes, and sexual advances.
Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior.
Please refer to the AnyKey Keystone Code to learn more about good sporting behavior.

Violation of this Code of Conduct will result in penalty points. In the case of repeat or extreme violations, penalties may include disqualification, or banning from future MGFZ events.

1.2.1. Insults and offensive behaviour
All insults that happen during an MGFZ-Match or on the MGFZ platform, may be punished. This includes ingame chat of the corresponding game, guestbooks, forums, Match- or News-Comments, MGFZ Messages, Gather-Chat, Match-Chat. Insults that happen on external messengers are not taken into account.

Penalties are no longer limited to Penalty Points and barrages, but may also contain the following depending on the incident, location and frequency of the insult:

Penalty Points & barrages are given for incidents within MGFZ-Matches
Insults or inappropriate behaviour within Comments or other options for contacting a player, will result in a Forum- & Comment ban
Incidents in Gathers are penalized with a Gather-ban and in repeated cases with a League-Ban for the specific game
Severe incidents including, but not limited to the following points, may be punished in other ways:

Extremist statements
Threat of violence
Sexual harassment
severe insults
pornographic linkings
These incidents can also be punished in VS-Matches. The decision is with the Admin-Staff.

The right to appeal is only with the injured.

1.2.2. Spamming
The excessive posting of futile, annoying or offensive contributions within the MGFZ is considered as spamming.

1.3. Matches, competitions, meetings
In all competitions there should be a fair playing field for all players.

Every encounter, whether a Gather, ladder match or other competition must be played according to the rules until it is complete and the result on the MGFZ page entered, or at events the result sheet is completed. Any encounter that did not take place, should be deleted. Matches will be played only by admins to delete exceptions. Matches that did not take place will be considered fake matches and will be punished.

It is not allowed for participants to bet on matches in their own competition. Betting against yourself (in team leagues: against your own team) will get you (in team leagues: your team) disqualified and the betting player banned for at least.

1.4. Game / client
In general, all programs which are not part of the original game, including custom-data and modifications, are not allowed in any MGFZ game. All external voice programs are allowed (e.g. Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.). Scripts and changes to the game's configuration are allowed, unless they are partly or completely forbidden by the league specific rules. Programs that provide an advantage during game play (e.g. drivers that allow the removing of walls) are forbidden. Any programs that change the game itself are forbidden.

1.5. Game Coverage
The MGFZ reserves exclusive right to the coverage of matches. This includes all forms of transmission, including IRC Bots, Shoutcast-streams, HLTV and MGFZ-TV Broadcasts. The MGFZ can assign the coverage rights of a match or of several matches to a third party or to the actual players themselves. In this case, terms and conditions would have to be arranged with the management before the match.

In general, the MGFZ will contact any player or team if they wish to broadcast one of their matches. If no contact is made, individual players are allowed to arrange their own broadcasts. Should the game take place on a server that MGFZ administrators have no direct access to, it must be made sure that enough slots are available for the according clients.

1.6. Internal Texts
All texts written in either protest or support tickets, or written by the administrators to members of a certain league or tournament, cannot be published without the permission of the MFGZ.

1.7. Language
The official language of this national section is English. All players should be able to communicate in English and to do so.

2. Fraud/deception
The threat that match manipulation and betting fraud and other integrity challenges pose to esports.

2.1. Deception
The attempt to deceive admins or other players with wrong or fake statements, information or data will not be tolerated.

2.2. Other unauthorized offences
Including but not limited to the abusing of bugs in the website.

These penalties are at the discretion of the responsible admin and are penalized according to severity.

2.3. Cheating
All forms of cheating in MGFZ matches are forbidden and will be penalized by the MGFZ. Players found cheating outside of the MGFZ may be barraged on the MGFZ depending on the evidence available. Note, we do not accept publicly submitted demo or screenshot evidence in these cases. Should it become known to the MGFZ administrators that any form of cheating was used to the advantage of a player or a team during a match, the MGFZ Reserves the right to punish them to the full extent of the rules available. By breaking any rule a player risks being barred or completely excluded from a specific league or from all leagues. This also includes their team.

The use of programs (or "hacks") or other methods to circumvent, modify or in any way manipulate MGFZ Anticheat is forbidden. Any use of such programs or methods will be punished as cheating. Even testing of such programs or methods in a match not happening within the MGFZ will be punished.

2.3.1. Distribution of cheats
Contributing to the distribution of cheats in any way is not allowed on MGFZ . This includes but is not limited to referring to the name, website or logo of cheats anywhere on MGFZ, such as player profiles, team profiles, forums, comments, guest book entries, etc.

Violating this rule will be punished from a warning up to exclusion from MGFZ.

2.3.2. Cheating Sanctions
Disqualification from the tournament, results voided, forfeiture of prize money, ban between 2 years and lifetime depending on age and level of player and nature/size of tournament and how the player cheated. Cheating at a professional level (i.e. where qualification for a professional event is at stake) should normally result in a 5 year ban, but, in aggravating circumstances, can result in a lifetime ban.

2.4. Match-Fixing/betting fraud
Engaging in any action that improperly influences the outcome of a game or match by any means.

2.4.1. Match-Fixing Sanctions
Results voided, 5 year ban or, in the presence of aggravating circumstances, a longer ban, forfeiture of prize money and monetary fine (if discovered before the end of a tournament, disqualification).

2.5. Doping
Any kind of doping is forbidden.

2.5.1. Doping Sanctions
Mild cases of doping will be punished with a warning and possibly minor penalty points for the participant. Severe cases (i.e. use of drugs containing performance enhancing substances, like Adderall) will punished as followed: Results voided, ban of between 1 and 2 years, forfeiture of prize money (if discovered before the end of a tournament, disqualification).

2.6. Competition manipulation and bribery
Bribing or attempting to bribe a referee or organizer or trying to manipulate the competition.

2.6.1. Competition manipulation and bribery Sanctions
Results voided, ban of between 1 and 2