Cégep de Saint-Jérôme #1
Collège Ahuntsic #1
Cégep de Saint-Jérôme #1
Collège Ahuntsic #1

Players in the match

Cégep de Saint-Jérôme #1

Nom de l'équipe: Pandas
Player #1
Summoner Name: Bulle Chilling
Discord ID: BulleQc#8971
Player #2
Summoner Name: Vuramix
Discord ID: Vuramix#3855
Player #3
Summoner Name: Swabia
Discord ID: Swabia#1796
Player #4 Joueur Responsable
Summoner Name: The ProdiJhin
Discord ID: pitfullwolf89#7644
Player #5
Summoner Name: Kerydeń
Discord ID: Keryden#1710
Summoner Name: Damaranth
Discord ID: Damaranth#8190
Summoner Name: Admiral OldOne
Discord ID: Admiral OldOne#0198
Summoner Name: Fli
Discord ID: Flie7#7814
Sub pour match du 5 déc
Summoner Name: Shavook
Discord ID: n/a

Collège Ahuntsic #1

Nom de l'équipe: Aigles
Player #1
Summoner Name: AHS SMREGU
Discord ID: PerritoElegante#8817
Player #2
Summoner Name: TheGuyWh0Asked
Discord ID: Ali_#3373
Player #3
Summoner Name: AHS Lambo
Discord ID: Lambo R. Gini#3130
Player #4 Joueur Responsable
Summoner Name: Fredtrep
Discord ID: Froyf#2490
Player #5
Summoner Name: GiuseppeReal
Discord ID: GiussepeReal #8714
Player #6
Summoner Name: Raustemon
Discord ID: Elec#4364
Player #7
Summoner Name: Yung chríst
Discord ID: Azenro #4299
Summoner Name: FiletDePorc
Discord ID: JS#5770