Splitgate Oceania FFA #1

Splitgate Oceania FFA #1

By Splitgate OCE and Godmode27 - Promoted by Twitch Nexz
General rules
1. Be respectful and keep things friendly amongst all other competitors.
2. No toxic behaviour in match or lobby chats (This could cause a disqualification)
3. All results must be clearly screenshot and sent in the appropriate discord channel, or games match chat for verification.
4. All players must be in the game lobby no later than 15 minutes past match start time, disqualification will be decided by match officials.
5. Any player seen trying to team up in this event will be automatically disqualified and banned from participating in any future events.
6. Tournament total players will change if necessary before tournament start time.
7. Bracket will be randomly generated on tournament start time, at this time you will be able to reach your match details page.
8. All participants must check in before tournament start time, or you will be automatically kicked from the tournament.
Check-in opens 30 minutes prior to tournament start time.

Rules maybe added or adjusted to over the duration of the week prior to tournament start, so please read these again on the day.

Custom Lobby settings:

Server Name: Your choice, E.g OCE123
Private Server: Enabled (Let your opponents know the name/password in your match details page)
Region: Australia
Max Players: 6

Gamemode: Free for all
Primary Weapon: Carbine
Secondary Weapon: Pistol
Show Radar: Off
Ground weapons: Enabled
Killcam: Disabled
Bots: Disabled
Score Limit: 50
Time Limit: 12 minutes
Respawn Time: 6 Seconds

The highest seed (closest to 0) will host the lobby using required settings, and must share name and password in match details page assuring all players join within 15 minutes of match start time.
Or players will use common-sense and respectful communication in match chat to organise creating a custom lobby, and assuring all players join within 15 minutes of match start time.

Hosting of the lobby has no advantage for any player, all custom lobbies run through a dedicated host.


When submitting your scores on the match details page, if you were inside the top 3 in your game, for the score you can put "1" however if you were not in the top 3 you will put "0".
All results must be clearly screenshot and sent in the appropriate discord channel, or games match chat for verification.


Round 1: Stadium
Round 2: Lavawell
Round 3: Abyss
Round 5: First three repeated