2400 R6 credits 2v2 tournament

Rainbow6 PC 2v2 House Tournament

By TLP 2v2 Tournaments
Online, North America
Playlist settings
Playlist Type: Normal Mode
Server Type: Dedicated Server
Voice Chat: Team Only
Time of the Day: Day
HUD Settings: Normal

Match settings
Number of Bans: 4
Ban Timer: 20
Number of Rounds: 6
Attacker/Defender Role swap: 3
Overtime Rounds: 1
Overtime Score Difference: 1
Overtime Role Change: 1
Objective Rotation Parameter: 3
Objective Type Rotation: Rounds Played
Attacker Unique Spawn: On
Pick Phase Timer: 25
6TH Pick Phase: Off
Damage Handicap: 100
Friendly Fire Damage: 100
Reverse Friendly Fire: Off
Injured: 20
Sprint: On
Lean: On
Death Replay: On

Game Mode: Secure Area
Secure time Limit: 30
Unsecure Time Limit: 30
Preparation Phase Duration: 45
Action Phase Duration: 180