Players in the match

Darkest MuZhan

Clan Tag: #2PC9ULCLV
Representative discord tag: Wendy#2677
Second representative discord tag: n/a
Pays: n/a
Player Tag: #YVU2VYQ9R
Discord tag: MUZHAN-Wei#9811
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: China
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #Y220CRV9
Discord tag: Kartik#8886
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #LC8JRY2U2
Discord tag: twentyfiveplus#8839
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #QULQ9QQ0
Discord tag: Bee#9761
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #LRYV8QUC0
Discord tag: Tai#9498
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a


Clan Tag: #2Y2YQ9GPU
Representative discord tag: Gaby #4778
Second representative discord tag: marinaul #9026
Pays: Brazil
Player Tag: #JRY0R000
Discord tag: #9026
Discord ID: 180112101862277120
Country of the player: Brasil
Country of the account: Brasil
Player Tag: #J9C8809C
Discord tag: #6336
Discord ID: 308322623119556609
Country of the player: Brasil
Country of the account: Brasil
Player Tag: #2PQJGLGV
Discord tag: #8238
Discord ID: 309752362895933440
Country of the player: Brasil
Country of the account: Brasil
Player Tag: #9U2VU0L2
Discord tag: #5355
Discord ID: 737840606658953257
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #90l8QG09
Discord tag: #6056
Discord ID: 285996153387089921
Country of the player: Brasil
Country of the account: Brasil
Player Tag: #LR9C0YCL
Discord tag: #2069
Discord ID: 330097820218687508
Country of the player: Brasil
Country of the account: Brasil
Player Tag: #9CYJQ2GQ9
Discord tag: #4778
Discord ID: 578743972193763341
Country of the player: Brasil
Country of the account: Brasil