1v1 Duel Party - Tourney

Albion Online - 1v1 Ice-Breaker Duel Party Tourney

By Oath of Vengeance
Online, QQ Guild Island | Finals on OOV Guild Island
OOV & QQ have come a long way together and are family guilds. Through careful consideration Quarantine Questonians merged with OOV effectively uniting with them.

This event is to help break the ice between members, get to know each other, become friends and more importantly become part of the OOV family.
Note: you will be paired up with a Random, if this person drops out and there are no reserves left, you automatically advance to the next stage.
When & where:
Friday 24th
18:30 UCT
20:30 GMT+2
First: QQ Guild Island
Finals: OOV Guild Island
What to bring:
Your Party Hat!!
Ask all the questions you need
Get to know everyone
Lets expand the family

no food & no potions(Taco's & Burgers will be served on the island)
T6 flat gear
Quality does not matter
No pockets equipping
How it works:
Each player will duel against each other.

Ice breaker event, getting to know the QQs and OOVs as we unite.
Discord Comms: Groove Room
UTC (UTC+00:00)
Join Discord
1st prize - 1m Silver
2nd prize - 700k Silver
3rd prize - 300k Silver

Big Thanks to Kadeter for Sponsoring part of the Prize!!!