eXtremeProGaming tournament

By eXp||Nexizz
Online, Europe
Tournament rules

The following rules and regulations are to be adored by every player participating in the Tournament and violation may lead to ban of a player or disqualification of the entire team. Final Decision stays in hands of Tournament Admins and is not open to disagreement.

๑Server Settings : Matches will be played on eu. Punkbuster must be enabled. - All matches will be played on PromodLive v2.20 - Matches will be of match round 12 (promod_mode match_mr12), match round 3 in case of overtime (promod_mode match_mr3). If the server crashes during the game, you are to continue from the previous round played.

Note : All the PB problems should be solved before the tournement matches.

๑Demos : All players should record full demo's for the duration of each match demos should be uploaded after the end of the match from both sides in the #demos channel in one RaR file for the team containing the map name on demos and player name on folder example : eXp demos -> (Backlot, crash)

Note : if you are not on the discord group contact any admin to send him the demos.
Note : Demos should be uploaded within 24 hours after match completion on request. It is advisable to upload demos immediately after match completion to avoid complexities.

This goes the same for screenshots @the begin of the match and in the end of it. (included in the demo file )

๑Illegal Scripts and Binds Scripts & config tweaking including but not limited to nadescripts, weapon_next, macros etc. including configs that change commands/rates ( These commands range from set nade binds to gain the longest throw to scripting a superior firing rate of semi-automatic weapons. This also includes multi-command binds such as bind MOUSE2 "toggleads; +attack on scroll wheel".) are not allowed during matches. Players found guilty of this will be banned also will be kicked out from the tournement with him team.

๑Illegal Files : ALL matches are to be played with the generic Call of Duty 4 Files and the Promod files. Players found with any tweaked files, or non-generic files (e.g. skins, audio, etc.) will receive a ban also leading to be kicked out from the tournement with his team.
๑Third Party programmes using any third party software (e.g. nVidia Control Panel or RivaTuner) to tweak Graphics settings to give you an advantage is NOT allowed. Example : Ambient Occlusion - this is NOT allowed.

Bugs and Glitches

- It is NOT permitted for any user to take advantage of map bugs (for example elevators, outside the boundaries of the map, under the map and so forth) or glitches during a match.
- Glitching is defined as moving or seeing through or over a physical object and is NOT permitted.
- Grenade jumps and anything similar is NOT permitted. - The use of silent drops is permitted but only in the case of known silent drops.
- Players are only allowed to bounce to places which can be reached without the use of a bounce. Bouncing to roofs and balconies which are unreachable in a normal way is prohibited. - Straightforward jumps and those that do not involve any part of the in
-game character moving through a physical object are allowed. - Boosting is only allowed to boost players to spots where a player can get by themselves.
- Boosting by shooting own players is not allowed. For every round this occurs, the round will be defaulted to the opposing team. If this occurs more than 3 times during the match it will be defaulted to the opposing team.
- Players who are caught using bugs or glitches immediately forfeit the round. If this occurs on more than 2 occasions then the map will be forfeited. If a player is caught persistently using bugs or glitches after being warned will receive an instant ban [Complete Ban].
Written Binds if objected by the other team will not be allowed. ๑Match Rules
- All matches will be BO3 (Best of 3) (final match best of 5) - All players must wear their team tag during the match.
- All players must wear their recognised in-game name.
- Teams must play using a minimum of 5 players and a maximum of 5. If at any point a team drops below this minimum number of players, the opposing team may claim a forfeit win after 10 minutes has passed in the next earliest ready-up period (note: this excludes team timeout periods). If you continue to play the match then you CANNOT dispute for this after the game.
- If all players ready up, this indicates that they accept the server settings, they accept all of the opposing players and CANNOT dispute for players
- Each team is allowed a maximum of one timeout per side (Attack/Defence).
- Once a match is accepted, it must be played. If a team fails to show or ready up within 10 minutes of the match accept time listed on the match page or cannot play, the opposing team may claim a forfeit win. Screenshots as proof must be provided, clearly showing the time.
- knife round will be played before every match : Loser of knife eliminates one map Winner of knife eliminates one map Winner of knife chooses the first two maps to be played Remaining map will be the deciding map (if needed) Also knife round will be played before each map and the winner choose which side

Abuse and Racism
A warning or ban will be given to any player found to be abusing another team/player. Racism is strictly forbidden and will result in an instant match ban.
- 1st offense: 1 match
- 2nd offense: Next 2 Matches
- 3rd offense and beyond: Complete Ban
Abuse against an admin in-game, dispute chat or private message will not be tolerated and may result in an instant ban.

1. Backlot
2. Crash
3. Strike
4. Crossfire
5. Citystreets