[UMA] Universal Masters Armada
To be determined
[UMA] Universal Masters Armada
To be determined

Players in the match

[UMA] Universal Masters Armada

[UMA] condegaspar
No information on this player
[UMA2] tonic777
No information on this player
No information on this player
[UMA2] killer007_190
No information on this player
No information on this player
[UMA] KratNL
No information on this player
[UMA] nextoops
No information on this player
[TAOWS] AlexandritLi
No information on this player
[_300_] Sonick_Gr
No information on this player
[-TAP-] GrandmasFinestBakery
No information on this player
[VPM] No_Grave_but_the_Sea
No information on this player
[NW_DE] xXMorph3usXx
No information on this player
[RAPAX] Arch4on
No information on this player
[GEUS] Hunterp4nther
No information on this player
[EFOL] GooZerVigo
No information on this player

To be determined

The participant has not been determined yet.