Qualifier > Losers Bracket > Day 1 - Bo1
Second Time Alive
Globi besucht Österreich
Second Time Alive
Globi besucht Österreich

Players in the match

Second Time Alive

2TA Jonny#EUW
No information on this player
No information on this player
2TA Khion#EUW
No information on this player
2TA Xam#159
No information on this player
Forever Yonely#YONE1
No information on this player

Globi besucht Österreich

UOL Brozart #UOL
No information on this player
Chrislai #EUW
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UOL Reazzy #UOL
No information on this player
Straylx #3D2Y
No information on this player
Poro with Cookie #EUW
No information on this player